His First Impression of You

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Lucas Friar: (this was back when he first met you) Wowie, she's really pretty! And a great drawer.

Farkle Minkus: Oh God, she's beautiful. Oh but what're my chances? Maybe, yeah, Donnie could probably get her. Oh she's looking at me! What do I do?! What do I do?!

Barry Eisenberg: I'm not used to the feeling I'm getting in my stomach. No, it's not hunger, I just ate. What do they call it? Butterflies? Oh, and there she goes...

Naldo Montoya: She's so silly! I'd love to know her opinion on sauces and dressings. And look, she's wearing a hat!

Diggie Smalls: Oh, another new cheerleader...wait, she's going to join the math club? Hopefully she's actually smart and not some pretty ditz.

Holden Dippledorf: (again, when you first met): How do I get her to notice me? Oh, this is her pen! I think I'll keep this...

Logan Watson: She's smart, funny, pretty, and has the best personality-what more is there to it?

Austin Moon: She looks really cute when her cheeks are rosy from being cold, though she looks even nicer in my coat.

Xander: Caring. She is one of the most caring, kindhearted girls I know and I just *sighs* wow.

Brett Willis: I have two options: get the thief or talk to the pretty girl. I'll talk to the pretty girl and buy her some yogurt, it's not too much to ask for.

Updated A/N: really hope y'all aren't mad at me for Diggie's thoughts😬 it's just a story

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