Chapter 29

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Idk if I'll be continuing this piece, but I'm making another story with a wayyy better background and something that doesn't clash Soo hard like this story, because its all over the place....nd since I graduated HS(highschool) this year I had took classes to help with my writing, I think I can do better, so please support nd bear with me.
Quency looked dead into my eyes, his whole domeanor changed "your the queen who will be saving us from the evil in our world" he leaned back with a smirk, "alot of people were after you, ever since we felt the blast of power, we all wanted it, knowing who you were."

"Wait you....was this a plan?!..." I got up furious, ready to leave but he took his index finger and said "sit down!" I felt my body jerk down as if I were being tugged by an invisible force.

"Listen everyone was after your power they wanted it, but i got to you first."

With that, my anger flared, was I just a tool, a game?

He must have noticed because he sighed and the tugging subsided. "Listen I honestly didn't want anything to do with you or your power, but I made a promise to your real mother, that I would protect you. I couldn't just sit and watch you squarm so I helped you and then I eventually...." he paused then looked away "nevermind"

"Eventually what?" My anger subsided but my voice came out tight.He got up and walked towards the balcony "let's just prepare for the up comming battle."

"No wait" i paused realizing what he just said, "Real mother?" I looked up at him "what did you mean by that exactly?"

He looked away then back at me, "those two are your aunt and unkle on your mom's side, it was too risky for your dad's family members to take you in."

"Wait so how did they know everything there is to know about you, me and them?!"

He smiled, "well your dad brought them in to the castle, they stayed until you were two..." he stopped smiling and looked at me sympatheticly "thats when the accident happened and its true that your dad did lose his powers due to marrying a human but he taught your aunt and unkle all they could possibly know, it seemed as if your father knew the future before hand."

"So the story about the hidden prince was true?" Tears swelled in my eyes. He came closer and took my hand "i'm sorry, so far yes, yes that much is true."

"So how exactly did they die?" My voice cracked at the last part.

He cleared his voice "so far no one really knows, except for those who were there but no one really knows exactly who was there with the royal family." I felt sick, I got up to get fresh air on the balcony, but as I got up I winced at the pain in both my side and ankle. "Oh i'm sorry!" He said as he pushed me down and ran to the bathroom.

"Uhh, what are you gonna do?" I yelled.

"Well....exactly what you did, isn't it obvious." He yelled back from the bathroom.

Why this little......

He came back quickly and placed cold, wet hands onto my side and ankle. "Honestly, I've never seen mates have the same power, matter-of-fact I've never seen a guy have power."

I was going to say something but pain so fierce shot through me so quick, that i almost threw up. Quency pulled his hand back and smiled his handsome smile at me "your healthy once again."

"You sir, are very cheesy" I laughed. I paused quickly, realizing something, "Wait if I'm the heir, then how come they found royalty blood in you? And how come that family knew exactly who we both where?"

"Oh!" he said nonchalantly, "because when we mated we gaind eachothers blood, so we flow into one another."

Oh now thats gross!!!! I thought loudly.

"And that family knows us because my family serves and gaurds the royal family, just like you have the scent of royalty, so do I. for generations after generations, my family served yours and protected them, but we can never talk to them unless we must and we can never mate with eachother....ever, its counted as high treason for both."

"Wait why? Is something going to happen?"

"Well you see how you have emerald eyes?"


"And you see how my eyes are golden"

"Yeah and?"

"Well my families eyes are rare, abnormal even. Scientists from our land conducted experiments to see what happened if people of each power group could mate with others. You see we have the regular colored eyes, which are like that of the humans eye color, they are the weakest, the second weekest are those with animal type eyes, but the strongest would be the rarest of eyes, like you and ours, we have both the animal and human atributed eyes. Once we use our power our eye color shifts into that of both human and non. You can also see flecks of animal reflected in the light of our eyes. But my eyes aren't really either animal nor human, they have flecks but are golden, real golden."

"So what about your ancestry? And how does that cause trouble for 'mating'?"

"Well we were created from your people" he looked me dead in the eye, a flicker of something flashed in his eyes, but i couldn't read it exactly as he looked away then back and smiled "honestly we are concidered that of the human level, we serve as a mystery, so we are treated both respectively and discustingly, depending on which class we are born from, but we remain servants no matter the class, we serve no matter what, that is our purpose. Scientists became curious and wanted to know what happened if our people mated with those of each powered class, the human and animal class where fine to an extent, but they can only do three shifts maybe four but thats it. Your kind tho, showed to be extreamly risky and dangerous, mostlikely deadly, more of a ticking bomb than anything."

"Wait so that means" my eyes grew wide "we could....but if you knew then..."

"I had to risk it Xea, you nearly died......And your welcome."

Without thinking i said "thank you."

He smiled "but one thing thats good about us is that we are damn sexy!"

I laughed long and hard, when i gained my composure i said "You truly are king of concededness. I hope all of you aren't like this."

He smiled "Nah just me."

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