Chapter 14

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I heard my name being called but as stupid as this may seem, I couldn't move. I know I should react, do something, but I just stood there like an idiot.

Someone pulled my arm and jerked me onto the sidewalk. I hit a hard solid chest.

"Xea... are you alright?" Someone had whispered softly in my ears. I nodded and clutched his shirt.

"Oh my God Xea!" A girl yelled "are you alright?"

I struggled to open my eyes. Why is it so damn hard to see? Why can't they adjust already?

I looked up to see Lisa and Linda the twins. Lisa looked truly concerned(wich shocked the hell out of me) but Linda... not so much. I closed my eyes.

"What's wrong with her eye's?" Lisa asked someone.

His chest rumbled a reply to Lisa. "Don't worry about it" he grabbed my arm and took me away from the crowed. When we reached a corner he lifted me up and we flew to the empty track field.

"Xea" he pulled my face up and placed both of his hands on each cheek. "I'm so sorry, I didn't .... I mean I should have...."

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault" I said while my eyes were still closed.

He sighed "maby if I...."

I felt him lean down as his hands clutched my cheeks gently, he brought my face up and kissed both of my eyes. I felt a zap of pain but it quickly faded.

"Now try opening it now"

I slowly opened them. It hurt at first but the pain quickly died. I looked at everything, nothing was dark or tinted anymore. I smiled as I finally got the chance to see the true beauty of the world for what it really was. I will never take my eyes for granted again.

I turned and looked him in the face, like truly looked. He was wayyyy better looking than I thought, it was kind of creepy in away. It has been so long since I've seen anything without those darn sunglasses.

"How do you feel?"

"Amazing" I ran up to him and hugged him "how'd you do that? Why didn't you do that before?"

"Because...I didn't think it would work, after all I've never had certain powers like this, ever."

Before I could say anything more, the bell rang.

"Lets go" he said.

We entered the school with only five minutes to spare before the final bell rang.

When I got to first period, whispers about me had went around. They were calling me a wannabe or a psycho who wanted attention. I rolled my eyes, it'll blow over. Right?

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