Chapter 5

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I reached over to my desk and put my sunglasses on, then stretched further to turn off my alarm.

I quickly went to the bathroom, exhausted and half sleep. I got cleaned up and put on a black-t and gray jacket with blue jeans, I new today would be another cold and wet day.

I went downstairs and realized how dark it was. I looked over at the time on the stove, it was nearly time for me to go to the bus stop.

Hours later I was in school and that's when I saw my friend Lea. Lea was with her crew once again, I just shook my head and walked to the mid stairwell to get to my locker. I came to a stop before I hit her.
"Hey Loser" Lisa said. She flipped her long curly blond hair out of her face and lifted a perfect blond eyebrow.

"Who do you think you are?" I just looked at her. "Do you think your better than us?!" She raised her voice, her anger flarring. I just looked away, were I saw a group of people looking at us and whispering. No one even dared to step up and stop this. Cowards.

"Huh!" She yelled while grabbing my chin and yanking it towards hers, so that I was looking at her. She half growled "Did you hear me?"

My anger spiked but before I could lash out, she quickly dropped her hand and then lifted it. Next thing I knew she knocked my sunglasses right off my face. I was stunned but I quickly snapped out of it and closed my eyes.

"Lisa!" I heard someone yell her name. I recognized it as Lea's. "You've gone too far!"

"Please" Lisa said casually "I haven't gone far enough." She paused "why are you sticking up for the likes of her anyways." She didn't even bother trying to say my name. It was as if saying my name was poison.

"Just leave it alone, it's not worth it." Lisa said. Then I felt something hard and plastic being placed in my hands.

I put my glasses on and watched as Lea my 'friend' walk away with her crew. Sighing I went upstairs to my locker, then went to class.

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