Chapter 10

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It felt as if I could feel him inside me.
My pain slowly disappeared and I was feeling better with every passing second. He pulled away and stared at me with those beautiful golden eyes of his.

"So what's...." he cut me off with a kiss. It felt weird and powerful. I closed my eyes as the kiss deepened.

It felt as if hours had passed before we pulled apart. I was breathless and so was he but I had gasped as we were surrounded by a bright emerald and golden light.

The light flashed brighter and brighter. He jerked my chin towards him "your going to make yourself blind if you stare to long"

"Is...Is it suppose to get brighter like that" I shivered as I felt the power of it increase.

"Honestly I don't know, I've seen others go through this before, but I haven't seen their light ever glow this brightly and powerful." He looked down at me "ok we better close the circle."

"How do we...." again he surprised kissed me and the light dimmed, then vanished.

We broke apart and as if on cue a bright purple ball came spiralling towards us. Quency thought quickly and grabbed me to get me out the way.

We bolted through the woods. When Quency looked back to see if we were being followed, we stopped behind a tree when he didn't see anyone. He painted and said "we need to learn how to shift....It seemed they entered into their second shift." He breathed out quickly.

"Shift? what's that and how do we do it?"

He shrugged "I've been mainly going off of my gut feeling and what I've been taught"

I looked up at him in a way that said what's that suppose to mean?....And I thought you were an expert? I shook my head and sighed "so what's your gut saying now?!" I hit his gut.

"Well...." he said thoughtfully "what if we kissed?" He said with a smirk and a weird glint in his eye.

"I guess that could work"I shrugged and looked down. I hope this wasn't just to get another kiss out of me, I mean he's already stole my first one.

Before he could do anything, she interrupted.

"Oh no you won't! I'll make sure that you two won't even have a chance to shift, or even figure it out for that matter!" she jumped down from a branch in front of us. Quency grabbed my arm and we took off.

"Oh no you don't!" Quency pushed me harshly to the side. I was going to yell at him but when I turned, I heard a peircing scream. My eyes watered as he fell to the ground in agonizing pain.

I could feel his pain. I scrambled over to him and craddled his head on my lap, since he was on his stomach and the wound was on his back, I hadn't bothered to flip him.

The girl came closer with a menacing look on her face.

"S-stay back!" I shouted. She just came closer.

Stay calm....

A voice filled my head, it sounded like Quency's.

Stay calm and breathe.....

I did what he had said. Out of instinct I grabbed his hand and with my free hand I lifted it and pointed it at her.

"Oh... scary, so what you gonna do?"

I breathed in and out, as I did, Quency follwed yet he was unconscious. When I knew we were one, I opened my eyes and saw that she had thrown a purple fire ball at me. Without hesitation or fear, I faced it head on.

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