Chapter 32

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I woke up with a scream. Quency ran into my room "Wha-what's wrong?" I checked my body, then ran into the bathroom. I looked for scars and everything, but found nothing. "What's wrong?" Quency said from the bathroom door, with a worried expression on his face.

"I had this dream, it was so were on the ground and something went inside you....I can still feel this weird burn that happened to the both of us."

He sighed, his expression changing to a much calmer expression. "Sorry that i didn't mention this...the darkness outside likes to mess with people's head, it makes them confuse dream with reality. Also the reason you still feel it, is because the darkness tricks your mind into thinking its reality...that it happened. Your senses are a mess right now, but the feeling dissapears in a matter of seconds. I guess the darkness is getting stronger...."

"Has it happened to you?"

"Yes, a few times here and there, the darkness plays with you and catches you off gaurd."

I sighed in relief, glad it wasn't real. But i still felt something wasn't right, I just couldn't put my finger on it "Oh okay" i said as i walked back to bed.

"Want me to stay with you?"

"Ummm..." i looked around the room, I was uneasy, but with Quency there i felt better.

"Ummm..." he mocked.

"Well, ughhh....." i sighed as I gave into my fears "....yeah, but don't try anything." I said as i pointed at him.

He laughed "I'm not, besides we have to get up in a few hours and I'm to tired." He yawned, turned and left the room.

"Heyyy!" I yelled.

"Don't worry princess." He said as he came back with a pillow and some blankets. "I'm only getting some essentials."

I laughed as he made his bed on the floor. He laid down "now get some rest." He said.

I smiled and laid snuggly in the bed, i closed my eyes and didn't wake until Quency shook me awake for school.

"That was fast." I said as i was literally dragged out the bed and into the bathroom.

"Well that's how time works, now hurry up and get dressed.....we are going to be extreamly late! I can't believe it took me an hour to wake you....I don ate breakfast and everything" he closed the bathroom door and left.

An hour to wake me? Wow.....wait, did he say don? I laughed silently as I got ready.

I walked out the bathroom and towards the empty table. "No breakfast?" I asked.

Quency turned around from the kitchen Island with a bag "nah, you took to long but here's lunch."

"Well i hope everything is covered nicely, I hate groshy food." I said, brow's raised.

"Groshy? Are you still sick? And when did I become a designated wife?"

" i'm fine. And you became the Wife since now." I smiled and grabbed the bag. "Race you to the bus!..." i looked over at the digital clock on the stove. "We have literally 30 seconds to get there."

I looked back over at Quency who went out the window "looks like imma win!"

We raced all the way to the bus stop with 12 seconds to spare. "We would have been earlier if you wasn't so slow Xea"

"What? You jerk.." i pushed him and laughed as we came from behind the tree and ran normally towards the bus stop filled with people.

"I feel like this is a strange omen."


I looked up at Quency, like he was an idiot.


"Please tell me you're not serious?.."

He shrugged and turned around with a smirk as he walked towards the approaching bus.

"Quency?!!!!" I laughed "are you serious?"

He just laughed and walked onto the bus.

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