Chapter 21

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I took off my heels and half limped, half ran out the building and in the opposite direction from the mall. I stopped to realize the fifty feet thing and went around the building, where a metal ladder was built on the side of the wall, that led up to the roof.

Rain came down slowly and then fast. I was getting drenched, but I couldn't care less. My heart felt like it was stomped and trampled on.

I heard my name being called but I never answered. I put my head down in my arms, that was on a brick wall that served as a railing for the roof. I dropped my shoes down beside me and cried.

"There you are, I was looking all over for you."

I sniffed and muffled an angry reply in my arm "Just leave me alone!"

All of a sudden the rain stopped. I looked up at a black umbrella, then at his face. "L-Leo" I stammered.

He smirked, but it wasn't cute or mesmerizing, it seemed twisted and unnerving. "I told you not to trust him."

"I guess you were right, he's...."

"he's nothing but a self-centered jerk." Leo said, finishing my sentence.

I nodded as Leo rested an arm on the ledge and looked down with a smile. Man he's gorgeous!

      "XEA! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I looked down quickly to see a shouting Quency, with a disturbed look on his face.

I didn't care as I shouted back down "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE....I DONT WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU...EVER!"

Leo put an arm around me. I didn't push him away, after all these years of wanting this to happen, why did it feel... wrong?

I shook my head and smiled smuggly down at Quency and then turned. Pain shot up and down my body, so feirce and hot. I looked down to see a knife plungged into my side, with some type of purple substance dripping from the knife and into my body.

The knife was plunged into the same spot that was kniffed a month back. I looked up at Leo in disbelief. He just smiled.

"W-why? You...You said I could trust you?" I said in disbelief and betrayal.

"I said you couldn't trust him, I said nothing of me." Then, as if everything had went in slow motion, he pushed me back and wipped his knife on his clothes. I fell to the ground as Quency appeared from the sky.

"Leo! You son of a...." Quency yelled angrily, as he faced Leo with such rage in his eyes.

I've never seen him so pissed.

"I should have known..." and just like that Quency flew at him, throwing a punch with movements so fast, it seemed unrealistic.

      Leo unbelievingly blocks it. While catching him off gaurd, He grabs Quency's wrist and throws him up in the air, as if in slow motion, he lets go and uses one of his hands to release an invisible force to thrust Quency onto a wall, which held a locked door that lead up to this roof. Quency falls and is left unconscious. Unbelievably, Leo had never gotten wet and held his umbrella the entire time.

"Quency! Quency!" I cried in a failing attempt for a response. Barely able to keep my eyes open, I looked up at Leo with hate in my eyes, any feelings I had once harbored for him, where gone.

Before I could black out, I heard him say a name that I hadn't heard since I was first attacked in the woods.

"Cherry and Fleí.....get them and lets go, we have things to do." He turned and flies off the building. I looked over to see our capturers coming closer.

I tried to stand up and fight, but I ended up falling in the process. Cherry comes closer and with the little ounce of strength that I had and without touching Quency, I tried to feel for the power in the both of us.

I close my eyes and I felt Cherry creeping even closer. I had found the energy that I was searching for and as I sat their clutching my side, I waited for her to get even closer.

She laughs "You're pathetic...."

I open my eyes, catching her off gaurd and using my third shift power to spiral an invisible punch at her. She's hit in the stomach and goes spiraling at full force through the door of the roof. Since I was too weak to cause too much damage, I was satisfied with at least wounding her.

I had forgotten about her mate,Fleí as he snuck up behind me and tried to hit me on the back of my neck to knock me out. With every bit of strength I could muster up, I wurled around and ducked from him, catching him off gaurd. I used the opportunity to lift my leg and kick him where it hurts. He kneeled down in agony and with his face near me, I couldn't resist, so I scratched his face.

      He clutced his face as I grabbed Quency off his shoulder and held him (he was not light.) I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground. I winced at the pain in my ankle(which I sprained) and the knife wound in my side. I clutched at my side and ran the opposite way of the mall.

Adrenaline had kicked in, which kept me running, but at a slow pace.

There was alot of construction work, I've noticed, as I ran as fast as I could through them. I slipped in the mud (due to the rain) but held onto Quency tightly as we rolled in the mud. I heard a few ripping noises coming from my poor and beautiful dress.

      By the time we stopped rolling, I  looked up, shocked to see an angry Cherry and Fleí.

      How'd they get here so fast?

      Before I could react, Cherry kicked me so hard in the stomach, that I flew back, I had no choice but to let Quency go.

     Cherry ran with such speed to where I was and lifted me up by the strap of my dress. I was gasping for air and coughing. She was about to punch me but her mate stepped in.

      "Master wouldn't like you roughing her up like that, do you want to be punished?"

Something flashed in her eyes but it quickly disappeared before I could read it. She loward her hand and threw me over her shoulder. "Lets go, we don't want Master waiting too long."

      I couldn't protest. I was zapped of my strength or any strength that I once had and as we took off, I passed out.

I'm satisfied with this chapter,by far the best;) I hope this interested you more(; please comment,like,ect.

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