Chapter 8

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I practically ran out of fifth period. I tried to escape him and that uncomfortable glare.

He was practically surrounded, so it was easy to leave. When I headed towards the bus stop I felt as if I was forgetting something important. I just shrugged it off and hopped on the bus.

When I got off, I crossed the street towards the park. I then took the path through the woods that was etched in the back of the park. It wasn't until then that I realized I was being followed.

I sped up, then looked back. I saw no one. I turned and someone jumped out in front of me. I jumped back with a surprised gasp.

I saw a girl in a skimpy black, two piece combat outfit. She had on shorts and a belly shirt. I would have laughed at this, it was like a cosplay, but if it weren't for the weapons strapped against her boots, waist, and ankles, that made my heart race faster with fear, I problably would have laughed.

The girl had pigtails laced with black ribbons in her red hair. Her face had black makeup on it except her lips, that were bright red. I looked at her perfectly tanned skin, the shade of golden brown. In her red finger nailed grip, I realized that she was clutching something.

Everything about her screamed dangerous, I took an unconscious step back.

Before I could try to run, she plunged a sharp piece of metal into my side. If I hadn't quickly moved, it would have been fatal.

Pain shot through me as I glanced up at her, my voice was caught in my throught and with in seconds, she flew back with such force, it might have killed her. But the thing abot that was my sunglasses were on, so I couldn't have pushed her. So who did?

As I fell to the ground so did she. It was as if we were in slow motion and everything around us had stopped. Even the wind.

I feel I could have made it better but I hoped you liked it.

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