Chapter 24

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He grabbed my hand and breathed in and out. All of a sudden my quick breathing slowed, my heart slightly sped up.

So this is what it feels like.... to be forced to be one with the other. It's kind of scary and exelerating all at the same time.

I felt a slight Zapp of power surge within me, then out my fingers and into Quency's hand. Quency lifted his free hand and swiped it outwards toward the hallway. I heard a grunt and then a jangle of keys as Quency caught them in his hand.

Still holding my hand, we took off. I looked down at the body gaurd who was past out and sitting by the wall. It looked as if he was a sleep.

When we got to the door at the end of the hallway, he looked at the keys, I noticed that there was about seven keys on the key chain. He finally let go of my hand and picked a key to jam in the hole.

The sixth key had worked. Quency grabbed my hand and we ran through the door.

This escape is easy..too easy, actually.

We came to a stop by three hallways. I believe it was three, because I see six close together tunnels and another Quency.

My head spun but I kept it together. Quency cursed loudly, echoes danced off the middle and left tunnel's. "Quey... Quey..." I struggled to speak properly but it came out all groshy and jumbled.
Haha groshy, I like that, that's gonna be my new word.

I shook my head, coming back to my senses.

"Quey? Did you just call me Quey Quey?"

I ignored him and pointed to what I hoped was the right tunnel. "Righ tun, we need to tae" I tried to say "right tunnel, we need to take" but that didn't work, I just hope he understood.

He looked at me funny, then (thank God he understood) dragged me towards the right hall as he spoke "you okay? You're speech seems impaired?"

"Uh huh" was all I was daring to say. I didn't want him to worry about me anymore, he has enough on his plate right now.

He didn't say anything more, as we walked further down the dimly lit hallway. The hallway walls, ceiling and floor, were connected as if we were in a huge metal pipe. Everything sure enough looked like a gigantic metal pipe.

After awhile of walking, I started limping and getting slower.

"Lets stop here." Quency said

"No...le...kee...goin" dang it!

"I don't mean to be rude or sound like a jackass...but with the black smudges coming down your cheeks and the funny talk.... I can't help but laugh."

"Haha, jer....k..." at that he laughed and so did I. It lightened the mood, even if his comment was rude. I wanted a mirror to check myself out, yet I feared to at the same time.

He sighed and lifted me up off my feet, then sat down on the floor, with me on his lap. I was shooked and I became even more shooked, when he pushed my head down on his chest.

"Rest a little bit, then we can go." He said in a low, sweet, raspy voice, that made my stomach do flips.

How can someone make me hate and love them all at the same time?... I admit, He can be sweet...Sometimes.

I sat there and listened to his heart beat. My ankle and side throbbed and my mouth was swollen and numb, from lack of food and water. But sitting like this, I couldn't have cared less.

I had no idea how long we must of sat here, but an alarm went off and we both jumped. "That's our cue, we might have to run" he looked down at me "can you do it?"

I nodded. He lifted me up, then got up. He grabbed my hand and we ran.

My heart was racing, but not due to adrenaline, or fear, or the fact that I'm running, it was something else entirely.

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