Chapter 16

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My heart was pounding so furiously hard, that I almost missed the rumble that was shaking the earth beneath my feet.

What's going on? I looked around confused. Hmm...That's strange...Why haven't I fallen?
As if on cue with my thoughts, I was grabbed and rushed out towards the track field in a huge blur.


Who is that?


What? I tried to speak but no words came out.

"Can you hear me!"

I recognize his voice from somewhere.
"Please answer me!"

His name...what was it?
"Please snap out of it!" He begged


Right then, soft lips were placed over mine.

Quency? I pulled back and saw him from a tunnel vision view. "Quency!"

"Thank God! Xea" he hugged me.

"Wh-what happened?"

He pulled back and started to scold me as if I were a child "Xea, those emotions of yours are powerful, you need better control..."

What's he talkin' 'bout? "So what did happen?"

"Well.... You nearly torn the whole school apart." He shrugged.

How can he shrug?
"I'm not surprise, the news about the woods incident was quite amazing. In fact I've never seen anyone have hold of such unique power before." He looked at me intrigued.

"What incident?"

"You haven't heard? The whole school is talking about it."

I just shook my head, I was too shocked and confused to speak.

"The woods...." he paused "I think you should see this for yourself." He pulled out his galaxy note and used his pen to write what he was searching for.

When he found what he was looking for he passed me the galaxy note.

I read the head line first, it said:
Mass explosion in forest!
I moved down, I was intrigued and frightened, as I continued down the web page article.
Was it a meteor rock? Was it a bomb or missile? Or was it something else entirely?
We've asked some people who happen to go to Park Everest, our lead had said that they were walking with their child, when a Huge beam of light, the color of green and gold flash in front of them. Our lead said that it scared them, sending them straight to the police!
We've talked to scientists about what they thought on this matter. We asked a scientist, Mr. Lee about what he thought, he had this to say,
"Whatever happened in the woods, it wasn't a bomb or missile, or a meter rock, it was something much more extraordinary than what we can even comprehend. You see, if it was a bomb or missile, for one; the bomb would be loud and leave a massive circle, with dirt residue flying about, and alot of trees would be gone. But in this case the trees remained standing with either a burned whole in it, or it was split in half, but none had fallen, this struck me as extremely odd, not only that but the ground remained untouched. If it was a missile, Then the trees would been knocked over and the missile would have to eventually come to an end and a shell would have been found, none existed. And what really excites me that this, whatever it is, didn't stop until it hit the streets of a nearby neighborhood a mile down, where nearly half the street was ruined!
If it was a metoer rock, it would be much bigger with craters around it on the ground, also we would have found outer space evidence, but none was found. It was as if an invisible force created such destruction. Me and my research team are trying to find out more about who or what might have caused this?"
He had nothing further to say, but we hope they can give us more leads as to what the cause of this maybe.
Is it aliens? Keep up with our latest reports to find out more.
I stopped reading, most of the stuff the article was talking about was other boring news. That's when I caught site of a picture of the damage that was done. My eyes widened as I saw a huge dent in the street, it was soo big and deep, that you can turn it into a swimming pool. The park was destroyed and the trees we're messed up, but they stood tall and proud.

"I.. did I......" I couldn't find the words.

"Amazing, huh?" He smiled.

"Amazing....AMAZING!" My anger flared. "HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS AMAZING!"

"NO!" I cut him off before he could speak. "This wouldn't have happened if You hadn't changed me! I could have lived normally! I could have lived the way I wanted!" I was so Frustrated that I couldn't help but accuse him, I felt that if Someone had to be blamed, it was him. "this is your fault! I wish I never met you!" I was soo angry I ran away from him.

My whole life was spiralling and I had no control.

"Xea! Wait!" I heard the distress in his voice, then I felt his emotions,was that sadness? I couldn't tell, nor did I care, I was just angry.

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