Chapter 2

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When lunch rolled around I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I saw my friend Lea, well we are more like secret best friends. She was afraid that her social status would go down if we were to be seen together. I told her I didn't mind it but deep down, it hurt.

I went down towards my spot that sat further back from the lunch tables outside. I went up to the old oak tree that sat ontop a little hill that overlooked the lunch table's. This spot is always empty, I wondered why no one ever came here, but honestly I'm glad because this spot is mine.

I sat down and ate my favorite barbecue-honey rosted Turkey sandwich. I looked over at everyone that where siting and talking.When will my life change? I ate half the sandwhich, but i couldn't finish, suddenly I lost my appitite.

Without realizing the time, the bell had rung and everyone was heading in, I got up and rushed inside with everyone else.

The day went by slowly but the rain came down fast and harsh, by the end of fifth period the rain slowed some.

I went down the hall and saw Lisa and her crew talking to Leo. She knew I liked him so why? Was it to impress someone, or was she delibratly trying to hurt me? I shook my head, xea you're just overreacting.

I lift my sunglasses higher. These sun glasses were made by my father. He's just like me, but he was stript of his powers for marring a human (which is my mom) my father has told me of the beauty and lushness of the other world, I have longed to go there. I wanted to see the creatures that were said to only be in fairytails. I'm so curious about them that it's killing me.

I opened my umbrella and breathed out heavily because the bus I ride comes and goes from the mall. Due to this rain I knew the bus would come a little late, it still has about ten more minutes to get here.

I took my time and sat to eat ice cream. Ten minutes later I went to the benches that were placed inside. The benches sat near a huge open glass area where I could look outside without actually leaving the comfort of the mall. I yawned as I waited.

I decided to do my homework. I glanced up from time to time to see if it was here. After finishing, the bus still hadn't shown up and I begain to wonder if I missed it or something. I glances at my watch. Where is she, she's like fifteen minutes late!

I looked up and the bus finally pulled up I grabbed my umbrella and bookbag and bolted out the door.

I sat down in the very back (which is always empty) and sat down. I yawned and rested on the window.

Hi everyone. I had to redo this chapter and the other ones. Some how I lost all 11 chapters :( so now I have to redo everything from here on up. Hope u enjoy:) please comment, critic, I'LL enjoy hearing what you have to say.

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