Chapter 9

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I forced myself to stay awake as I clutched my side. I looked over at the girl who had gotten up. She had not a scratch on her.

She looked around dazed and confused. Suddenly a Guy had jumped out in front of her, his deep and angry voice boomed.

"You was supposed to kill her!" He shook is head.

The girl stuttered a reply "I-I thought you said she didn't have a mate?"

"She doesn't, or I would have smelled him on her"

"Then...then who pushed me back?"

That's when I heard his voice.
"I did" he said angrily "tell your boss this" he stepped closer towards my line of site. The other Guy looked over. His face was beautiful as his features lit up in anger.

"Tell him that she is off limits so stay away or else..."

He quickly turned and grabbed me, he made sure that they didn't have a chance to reply, as we flew down the woods, I screamed.

"Xea! I told you to not take this path home." he said in an angry whisper. We quickly made a sharp turn "Damn it Xea!"

He placed me down and a loud scream pierced my ears. "Xea calm down...Shh" he grunted as he struggled to keep me from squirming. "Xea, this is bad, I don't know if you'll...." he quickly covered my body "Nooo!" Then a loud grunt escaped him, I felt warm liquid drip down my face, but fear and pain kept me from looking at what was happening.

He did something to the people who attacked us but i couldn't see because I kept my eyes shut to block out the pain and to keep from yelling.

He quickly picked me up and ran. The pain hit me so hard that I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming. I couldn't risk them finding us.

He placed me down on the ground. I tried to open my eyes but I quickly realized my sunglasses were gone this time.

"Xea.." he panted "in order for us to escape and survive this, I need you to trust me"

"I-I can't see." I stammered, as that was the only thing I could think to say.

"Oh!" I heard him say, then wind ruffled my hair and face. Not even a second later I heard a shuffle as he came closer and then something hard was being placed on my face.

I turned my head and looked over at him sitting down a few feet beside me, resting on a tree. I looked down and saw a wound that might have mirrored my own. Mine was on the right his wound on the left. It was still morning but the sun hadn't hit this spot yet, so it was hard to see much of anything else, especially with these sunglasses.

"Xea, do you trust me?" He repeated.

I knew it wasn't time for this but I had to know his name before I could trust a stranger. "What's your name?"

He let out a painful laugh, but his smile was amazing. "Quency....Quency Keylz."

I smiled "yes...yes I trust you" I said slowly.

He came quickly towards me and picked my body up in a sitting position. Pain shot through my side but I kept quiet.

"First it's a blood pack, then...." he never finished and as he huged me to place his blood on mine. Gross I know. But what kept going through my mind was, then what? As white hot pain shot through me.

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