chapter 22

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I woke up to hear clinging from metal hitting metal. I saw people over me but I couldn't see what they were doing. I blacked out once again.

I woke up again to a muffled scream of my name.

"XEA! Can you hear me!"

"Yeah...yeah, just stop yelling, my head hurts!"

I heard a sigh of relief. I looked over to see Quency locked in a cage next to me, he was chained onto the wall. His arms were up over his head as he sat on the floor. Just like me.

I don't mean to complain, especially not in this situation... but couldn't they put us in... I don't know?... a more comfortable po-freakin-sition?!

"Where are we? What's happening?"

Before Quency could answer, Leo appeared in front of my cage. Startled I looked over at him as he spoke.

"Nice to see you guys are awake...."

"Let us OUT!"

"calm down, I have plans before I can let you guys out."

"Plans? What plans?..and what's happening? And who are you exactly?"

He laughed "man you have alot of questions." He smiled "We'll get to that eventually but now I need blood."

"No! Answers first."

He sighed but gave in "I won't tell you what plans I have in store, not yet anyways....but I will tell you this, we believe that one of you is the heir to the thrown...the missing link."

"Wait... what?"

"As for me, you should know by now."

Realization hit me so hard that I jerked, which was a mistake as pain shot threw my stomach.

"Master .... preperations are ready at your command." A girl's voice had said. I realized it as Cherry's.

Leo grinned and nodded. "Ladies first."

"No!" Then calmer, Quency said "...I-I'll go." But on a hesitation.

"Oh! what a gentleman you are." He turns toward Cherry and her mate Fleí. Who still has that mark I gave him on his right cheek, from ear to eye. It seems to be a permenant scar, and without the ability to heal, he was stuck.

A smirk dance across my lips but only for a moment.

Cherry and Fleí went closer to Quency's cage "No!" I shouted.

"Quiet Xea!" Quency shouted.

I turned my head to look at Quency. I tried to protest but he shook his head to end the conversation. That was the end of that, it was final.

They entered his cell. Fleí grabbed a hand full of his hair and yanked his head back. Quency jerked his body up and kicked Fleí were it hurts. Fleí fell to the ground in agony.

"Seriously!?" Fleí yelled. As quickly as he had fallen, he got up and punched Quency right in his face. Quency's head jerked to the right as blood came from his nose.

"Quency!....Leave him alone!" I tried to wiggle from my chains and break free, pain shot threw my stomach so fierce, that I gave up after two more attempts.

"Guys just get his blood drawn and let's go..." he smiled at me as he spoke "don't rough him up to much, we still need him alive."

"Why you..." I struggled to get out of my chains once again "I'll make you regret this!" He just laughed at my feeble threats and attempts to break free as he walked out the door.

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