Chapter 26

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She sat down next to a body. Her tears pouring down her cheeks fast and hard. She lifted up her lover and faced those who would dare oppose him and her, even those who threatened her life.

Her crown shining brightly and her anger rising, the world quaked, everything jolted except her and her mate, she turned, eyes bright green and glowing with gold.......

I woke up with a jolt. Who was that? And what was that dream about?

I was jolted again, I looked down and saw that I was on Quency's back, as he ran down an empty road. "H-how long, you been running?" I shook my head, I guess my speach is still impaired.

"Awhile, when you finally fell asleep, I took the opportunity to put you on my back and ran out. We had to leave, I heard them getting closer and I just couldn't risk it."

"So.... hadn't slept!" I struggled to get down but he held tighter.

"Chill! This is why I left you sleeping, I knew you would be difficult!" He laughed half yelled.

"Correct! put me down! need rest!....Ugh! Mean you...look" I pointed towards the horizon where the sun was peaking up from the hills. "It's getting light.... here!" I was seriously frustrated with my speach and him, that I punched his back. He didn't even flinch.

"All the reason to keep going, they might catch up and we need all the speed."

"But your strength?..." I said slowly and weakly, knowing I lost this argument. He was right I was literally dead weight.

"Its okay, I have enough energy...there's a highway up ahead and we might be able to hitch a ride...lets pray we will make it before they catch us!" He lifted me higher. "Do you think you can be patient until then?"


"Oh!... and you are not dead weight! So don't put yourself down!"

"Stay out of head!" CREEP!

"I heard that!"

I know... I smirked as he ran quicker.

Minutes later, we had made it to the highway. He put me down and put his hands on his knees, gasping for air.

"You... okay?" I asked.

He just gave me a thumbs up, as if on cue, a car came and stopped beside us. It was an African American family.

"You guys need help?" The women said.

"Yeah, thanks" I turned to Quency "should we trust them?" I whispered slowly.

"Yes, I feel like they are reliable..besides.. look" he turned his head to the left. I looked over and saw a group of familiar people, wearing the gaurds uniform. My eyes went wide. I grabbed Quency's hand and sped to the back of the families car.

There was a girl, about twelve and a boy, our age in the car. Good thing they had a mini van or this would have been uncomfortable. The van took off down the road and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Me and Quency sat in the back, close to eachother, while the kids sat in the seat in front of us.

"My kids are so rude!" She turned to her kids "You guys should have sat in the back not them, what sense does that make!" She yelled at them, then turned to us "I'm sorry about that."

"Nah, it's Okay" I said. I was happy that my speach sounded slightly better. I was so parched and hungry that I looked at anything and everything to get my mind off of it. I looked at the mom and the father, they looked too young to have kids this old.

"Were y'all heading?"the mom asked.

"Ashburn" I said, not wanting to give them much detail.

"Us too, so you guys live there, I wonder why I don't remember you guys? What school do you go to? My son goes to Asburn High."

"Yeah, us too" Quency said. I looked at Quency, then the two kids, they bowed their heads and turned away. Finally.

It was kind of quiet and uncomfortable. The mom kept looking at me, the kids kept staring. (which I thought had stopped) I wanted to scream "stop starring, its rude, I know I look a mess but dang!"

"If you don't mind me asking...." the little girl said "but what happened to you guys?"

"Hey!" The brother whispered harshly, then shook his head at his sister.

"Long story" I said.

The boy turned, then smiled "I'm Tike, this is my little sis Quea. "

"Nice to meet you guys..I'm Quency and this is my ma...uh friend Xea."

I nodded and thanked Quency silently for answering their question for me.

I turned to Quency "rest....I'll wake you." He nodded and closed his eyes.

The trip was finally Quiet and question free. To pass the time, I looked out the window.


"Where do you guys wanna be dropped off?" The father had said.

"Down.... by this m-mall i-if that's okay" I stuttered a replied.

I sighed and turned to Quency and shook him awake. He yawned and looked at me. "Where are we? And how long have I been asleep?"

"We're headed... to the mall a-and you've been.... asleep for about...." I thought for a moment "....30 minutes."

"That's it? Huh.... it felt longer than that." He looked out the window "you sure you want to get out here?"


All of us got out the car. The mom and father wanted to stop here and eat with there family and then head home. They just got back from seeing their kids grandparents( the fathers parents). They offered to take us home, but we nicely declined.

"Oh, sorry.... a-about the carpet." I said.

"Nah, that's okay.... it was an honor to have the both of you guys." The mother and the rest of the family put their hands to their heart and lowered their heads respectfully. I did the same and so did Quency but instead of putting his hand on his heart, he just bowed respectively.

Quency grabbed my hand and walked pass the family, I couldn't help but limp, and clutch at my right side.

"If you guys need anything, we're here.." the mother said with concern.

I was too stubborn to get more help than they already provided for us, but Quency on the other hand....

Quency turned back towards them. "If you guys don't mind..." I tugged Quency hard.

"No tat's okay we can..." I whispered.

"No!" He shook his head "look at you, look at us, we'll draw to much attention....we need as much help as we can possibly get, if they are willing. Besides, you need food and water, I'm surprised you're still talking, it must hurt to talk with a dry mouth?" he tuned back to them, not giving me a chance to reply "could you guys possibly help us out?....."

I hope you guys like it...I think my chapters are starting to pick up, so comment, critic, ecetra ......

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