Chapter 6

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This week went by slowly and exhausting. I had searched for that boy again and again but with little success. I had questions to ask, but i was somehow relieved by not finding him, honestly the guy gave me creeps, but curiosity kept me going.

I even asked the bus driver about that apartment. since I've lived here for a while and never heard of it, I was shocked to find out that neither has this bus driver. Who apparently dropped me off here and now she doesn't have a clue? I just find it extreamly strange.

I even stayed for all the stops and yet still no sign of ROSEBUSH APARTMENTS.

How in the world did a whole place just disappear?
I even went through the woods to search for him. I trailed around and ended up back home, which became seriously creepy after the fifth attempt.

I ended up giving up and went home.


This weekend went pretty slow as well. Friday I did my homework and studied, then played some video games. I was the only one home since my parents were at work. (I'm the only child, sadly)

Saturday was alright, I went to hang out with Lea. She was on her younger brother's and sister's swing set. Her brother is eight and her sister is five.

"So.." Lea began "how are you, you seem a little tired?" She swung forward

"I'm fine" I swung backwards.

"So, tell me more about this Mystery Guy " she looked at me as we swung past eachother. "By the way you've been talking about him, he sounded like a hunky stalker."

I laughed "yeah well I just can't find him." I sighed "I'm beginning to think he's not real"

"He just might be, you never know. So no, I don't think you're really crazy."

I didn't say anything because I just assumed this was just her way of showing guilt for ditching me since the end of eight grade year, to our sophomore year.

"So...umm" she said swinging back. "Me and my friends went shopping and..." I flinched as she mentioned the word 'friends' I knew I was dropped out of that catagory and it sort of hurt.

I know I should drop her aswell, but I need her, she's like my only friend. She uses me, I use her, fair right? So why do I feel empty?

She continued quickly "You see, with the dance comming up next month, my friends think that me and Leo would make a perfect match."

I stop swinging but she kept going, as she spoke "I think that he's just soo... yummy!"
I couldn't believe she stole the words I used to describe him. I just stared at her as she casually shrugged.

"What you think?"

"Go ahead, you guys do make a perfect match"

She stopped swingging quickly and held my arm. "You're such a nice friend, I mean the best."
I was being sarcastic!
She gushed "I thought you would be angry."
Well duhh....
We were quiet for a while. I ended up making an excuse about my mom needing me soon, so I had to go.

As I walked home, which wasn't far because she was six blocks down from me. I stared at my friendship bracelet that she had given me in sixth grade and sighed.

I know my chapters are short and seem to end weirdly, but bare with me it'll get better :) I'm just new at this whole thing.

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