Chapter 19

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A month had passed by and I've been training hardcore. I've been trying to avoid my parents, with all the scratches and bruses I've sustained while training.

Lea and Lisa became more determine to become Quency and Leo's gals. They've spread rumors and everything about them dating, I've grown to be more pissed at that fact.

Quency is mine, yet he hasn't said anything about him dating Lea, I tried not to care but I'm sick of sitting on the side line's.
We've grown closer, our connection was getting stronger and stronger, but shifting above a level three was hard.

I've learned more about my people, I've learened about the different eye colors, some normal, which shows how weak they are. Some have odd colors which shows they have more power, but above all else, I've learend that each eye color means that you mate with the same eye color. In my case me and Quency have different eye colors and for Years that rule hasn't been broken, until now.

The people say its not good to mix but nothing has happened to us yet.

I've also learened that it's rare for a man and women to have powers together, that mostly women have the powers and the man have the control, but with me and Quency, we've become one with eachother.

I know that our powers and shifts are different with each person so who knows what the next shift will be and when we shift to the highest level (which is a 10) then were able to go further than fifty meters, we're practically free of eachother.

I hopped out the bed when I heard the alarm buzzing. Quency was up and out the window, waiting for me to get ready for school. We barley talked to one another, except when we're training, sometimes we break the ice and laugh, then it gets ackward again.

I rushed up and got dressed, summer was leaving and fall was comming, yet it was hot outside as if summer didn't want to let go quite yet.

I put on a black dress and a white sweater half jacket. I put on my favorite white hat, then jumped out my window and me and Quency sped quickly to his house. It wasn't a race but Quency was treating it as one, so I sped up quickly, I lose all the time, but hey, can't blame me for trying.

"I'll be right down" he said as he jumped to the third floor balcony.

I hadn't yet learned how to jump that high yet.

I waited patiently, five seconds later he jumps down, wearing designed ripped tight jean shorts, that hung to his knees, he had on a lose black-t and white and black shoes.

His style really makes him look hot!
"Ready?" He asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. He smirks an annoying smirk and I already knew what he was about to say next.

I punch his arm, hard. "Your such a Narcissistic idiot."

He lifts a brow "a narcissist?"
"Oops did I say that aloud" I've never said that aloud, until now. I turned and ran towards the blue bus stop sign. It's a comfortable and clean city bus, better than the school buses.

"Hey!" He yelled.

I didn't stop, I just kept going, half laughing.

We stoped at the bus stop. "Soo..." he said "what was that you said back there?"

I shrugged and turned towards the street as people started approaching. He didn't say anything as the bus came down the street.


We walked down towards the school. He stopped and turn to me "Imma go on ahead, you good?"

I smiled "yeah go on" he left quickly. I walked down towards the school alone. I'm good at hiding emotions, I've never let them come out. Lately Quency has been hanging around Lisa and Lea alot, Leo not so much.

I was feeling upset and depressed and Leo seemed to put my fears away. I've been confused about my feelings lately, I've always wanted Leo but I can't seem to get Quency out of my mind and it's killing me.

I walked into the building and all I could hear people talking about was the dance that's about to happen tonight. Since it's Friday, everyone is excited.

I forgot, but I decided to go tonight, mostly because I have no choice. Quency is going and he needs to go to the store and pick up a few things for Lea, which annoys me. I think I will hate today more than anything in the world.

My mood got worse and by the time lunch came I was to upset to talk to anyone. I went to my favorite spot and I saw Lea.

"Hey" I said half smiling. Lea just looked at me and turned.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking about my boyfriend Quency."

I stiffened but I kept calm "oh.. okay" I shrugged and leaned on the tree trunk.

"That's it?"

"What.... what do you want me to say." I said slightly angry. She just shrugged.

"So...what happened to Leo, you got sick of him" I'm slightly calm.

"I wouldn't be talkin' slut!" I turned to see Lisa.

" 'Scuse me?" I turned to Lea "you just gonna let her really say that about me!"
She shrugged. I was hurt "and I thought you were my friend! But I was wrong" I shook my head as she looked at me I couldn't read the emotions on her face but I hated her right then at that moment.

I took the bracelet off and threw it at her " I hate you and we're threw, you deserve to be in a group of back-stabbing-wenches" then softly I said "because you became one"

I turned and that's when Lea grabbed my arm, I pushed her hard, she hit the ground and bit her tongue. My anger subsided and I came close to her but not before he came and interrupted.

"What are you doing!?" He rushed towards me and went onto his knees to see if Lea was okay. Seeing them like that hurt. "Are you okay?" She shook her head yes as blood dripped down her chin.

"I'll take you to the nurses office." He said. He got up and came towards me. "What did you do?" He whispered angrily "you have to be careful, you're stronger than her!" I looked over at Lea she had a satisfied grin on her face.

I stepped back I was hurt and angry. He sighed, turned and took her to the nurses office.

"Are you okay?" Leo said as everyone started walking away. Before I could answer, Lisa grabbed his arm and pulled him with the rest of the crew, he didn't struggle, he looked back with an apology. I shrugged and turned towards the tree and sat down.

I was upset and too pissed to eat. I looked up at the sky and saw the stormy clouds roll by. It fit the way I felt.

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