Chapter 12

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I woke up with someone's arm wrapped around my waist. Then I heard a beeping noise. I bolted up right and looked at my room.

Why was I in my room?

I turned and looked down at a sleeping body. I quickly jumped out and fell face first onto the floor. Well that hurt.
That seemed to wake him up. He looked at me with concern. I just threw things that I found on the floor at him.

"What the heck are doing in my bed? In my room?"
He smiled a beautiful smile. It took every strength I had not to give in to that smile.

"No!" I paused and looked at my door, to see if someone would barge in here at any moment. When no one did I turned back and whispered angrily. "Give me answers"

"I will, just cool it." He reached over at my bedside table and turned off the alarm. He stared at me with a smirk.

I got annoyed and looked around for something to throw, when I found nothing, I pouted and crossed my arms as I sat criss-cross on the floor. I'll let him win this round.

He laughed as if he read my mind "you weren't that easy to carry" he shifted on my bed and winced. That's when I realized the injury he had sustained from saving me.

I quickly got up and went towards him "lay on your stomach" I ordered. He was reluctant at first, then he obeyed.

I lifted the back of his shirt, where a nasty scar traveled to his neck on down. His scar was wide and nearly covered his back.
How could he even move? Let alone be alive?

"Do you have healing powers?"

"None that I know of"

I sighed heavily. Without thinking I walked to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. I cupped my hands under the running water and then walked back to the bed.

I placed my hands over his back. I hope this works.

"What are you.."


I concentrated on the water and my power. I looked down and saw how the water glowed that familiar glow.

I slowly released the water up and down his wound. He gripped my covers, then relaxed as the wound slowly disappeared. Soon new flesh had replaced it.

He got up and stretched. He smiled at me. "Nice." I turned away shyly. He lifted my chin to face him. "Your extraordinary, I've never seen anyone with that power, let alone heard of anyone with such power, not even from the ancient ones."

Ancient ones?

I backed up and turned, feeling ackward "you better go, schools gonna start soon."

He looked over at the clock then back at me. "I feel as if I'm forgetting something..." he placed his hand on his chin "I know it's somethin' important." He shrugged it off and said "I guess I'll remember it later." He zoomed out my open window. I ran after and saw that he had landed safely on the ground.

What is he...Crazy?
I quickly went into my bathroom, with the words 'extraordinary' stuck in my heart, soul, and mind. It made me so happy for some reason.

I quickly freshened up. When I went to my closet, a force yanked me back so suddenly, that I had to clutch my closet door handle for balance.

I moved closer but that force was tugging and getting stronger by the second. I held on tightly as my feet were thrown into the air. Before I could scream, I was yanked so fast and quickly out the window, that air escaped me instead.

This may have been a hot mess but I hope u guys enjoyed.(: :).

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