Chapter 7

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Sunday went by slowly and then finally Monday.

I woke up late, so mom had to drive me to school. I tried to steal my dads breakfast, which caught me off gaurd because he was eating cereal.

My dad looked up at me from his papers and smiled. I shrugged and took three spoon fulls of his cereal and ran out the door laughing "You can't pull one over on me!" I knew he agreed with a loud sigh.


I walked into the hall and saw them talking to my Leo. Yes I said 'my' Leo. She didn't even bother covering it up.

Was she trying to hurt me? Was this on purpose?
I just shook my head and walked to class.

When lunch rolled around I was the first one out. I was getting sick of the roomers about my 'almost' fight last week.

When I took off down the hall, I slowed down as I heard new roomers, about a boy. I heard them say how cute he was and how amazing his hair was. But what really got to me was the roomer of his eyes. I shook my head... nah...couldn't be.

When I went into the cafeteria I saw less people in there, they were most likely here to get food but they seemed anxious.

I quickly walked outside and in the center of the clearing, where the tables make a huge circle around, (which is manly for the populars to be admired) there was soo..many people.

There was people on the tables trying to get a good look at someone who was in the center. I wanted to see but I wasn't that curious until whoever it was in the center laughed.

That laugh was so familiar, that I hopped on the tables to take a look but I still couldn't see.

I looked over at my favorite spot. Thank God, no one was smart enough to come over here and look.

I tried to peer into the circle, but his head was down and Lisa's crew were covering him.

After a while I gave up and ate my lunch. We had S.M.A.R.T lunch. Which is a system where everyone has the same lunch together and we're able to go to our classes or the library for academic help. Also we're able to eat anywhere on campus and chill, our lunch is practically an hour, but when the bell rang signalling that lunch was over I was shocked how quickly that hour had passed.

As we headed inside I couldn't get a glimpse of him. I just gave up and headed straight for gym class.

I love gym eventhough others don't, having gym for only two years isn't enough for me.

I sat in the third row in the third spot. Our coach came in from talking to someone

Coach Hawkens sat down in front of us and spoke. "Alright guys we're having a new student, so welcome him with open arms." She looked over at me "since your row is short, he's going to sit in front of you, Xea."

I nodded as she continued "he's getting situated in the locker room, so when he enters be generous."

Not even a minute later he walked in. I heard gasps come from our class and the class that sat across the room from us.

I couldn't believe it was him I've searched everywhere and here he comes walking in. Coach Hawkens spoke then "meet our new student, Mr. Keylz." He smiled and said "Nice to meet y'all"

the teacher pointed at the spot in front of me. I and everyone else behind me, backed up to give him the space in front of me.

After we stretched we went outside to do laps. We had to run the straight path and walk the curves. As we went out there everyone surrounded him, even the girls in the other class did. That class was run by Mrs. Hawkens's husband. (which is too cute).

I couldn't get close. When fourth ended I discovered that he also had my fifth period. Again in this class we sat close but this time side by side. I felt akward as his eyes trailed over to me every now and then.

I sighed, knowing this year was gonna be the death of me.

ShiftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon