Chapter 34

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We walked off the bus, hand in hand. We were nervous as we walked inside the building, all eyes were on us. Fast footsteps approached down the hall behind us. I let go of Quency's hand to let whoever it was fall. Shockingly it was Lea. She got up and hipped bumped me to the side, as she hugged Quency. (Well tried for that matter.) Quency side stepped her and walked towards me.

"Come on lets just get to class." Quency said.

"Hey!" Lea yelled. "Exscuse me, but what are you doing with my boyfriend....You slut!" She said as if what he just did never happend.

I turned towards Lea, where I saw her and her crew comming up behind her. Oh god, more annoyances.

"Hey, Lea" Quency said. Lea turned his way "I'm sorry, but I only saw you as a friend. I only tried to distance myself away from Xea. Sorry, again..... but you were only my excuse to get away from her." He looked at me "sorry, but no matter what i do, it didn't work.." he smiled "we're kind of stuck to one another." I shyly smiled back.

"Wow.." I turned to see Lisa coming closer to me. She stopped and looked at Quency "tsk tsk....You should have joined us.."

Quency looked at Me and I at him, then at her "Us?!" We said together. "Seriously..."

"Oh yes....I assume you figured out the possibilities of your demise?" Leo said As he walked out from behind Lea's group."

"Wait.... so you guys are?....."

"With him" Lisa pointed at Leo behind her "Yes and yes we know everything....and you being the princess, was undoubtedly shocking."

I rolled my eyes and with speed i didn't even know i possessed, decked Lisa so hard she flew down the hall and out the door. I heard a few gasps "Umm Xea, that you shouldn't have done...yet" Quency said.

"I didn't mean to....its just i thought about it and i-i dont know, my body responded. It felt amazing...but i didn't use much strength and...."

BOOM! the door flew open with force "You BITCH!" Lisa yelled angrily as she charged full speed at me. I readied myself as she came at me but Leo stopped her. "Now now, calm down. Now's not the time to fight yet. We need time." Lisa stood back and straightened quickly as if she was afraid of him.

I looked at Lea "are you one of our people aswell?" She shook her head. I sent her a questionable look.

"I'm human, but I was promised power and saftey from the new world order." She looked at me smuggly "I never liked you honestly, but I was purposly sent here when i was younger to be your friend. I was only sent to watch you. The boss said if one out of six of us humans finds the missing heir, we would be granted saftey and prosperity. So each of us humans were sent out towards those special people, such as yourself and we were sent as watch dogs. But only one family can be lucky. So i thank you for being the one."

"How did you even get connections or deals?"

"Well... My ancestors along with five other's accidentally opened up the two portals of our world and yours. Our ancestors have these powers, no one knows how they got them exactly. But the powers are passed down, all it takes tho.... is one to open it now, back then it was different because it was never tried or opened, but with the seal gone, it only takes one really. But if they need more power, the other families with powers would most likely be imprisoned until we need them."

"How sick." I said. "So you truely are heartless...soulless even?.."

She shrugged "it's survival really."

I looked at her in discust, her true colors finally showing. "Fine no mercy."

"No, its the other way around." I looked over and saw Cherry coming at me. I brought my arm up and blocked her kick, I twisted my arm and grabbed her leg and threw her at Leo, who sidestepped out the way. Cherry flew into Lea instead.

"Wow!" Quency breathed out from behind me "Nice, you're following your instincts."

"Well.... since we have irrational people here...and no one cares to listen...." he turned around with lightning like speed and picked up Cherry. He grabbed her by the neck "I already said Wait! If you have a hard time listening, then let me enlighten you." With his free hand, he put his pointy finger up towards her left ear, something golden-red bursted from the tips of his fingers and straight into her ear. Cherry's screams pierced the hall as blood dripped down the side of her face. He stopped and threw a screaming Cherry to the side. Fleí ran up to her trying to calm her. The people in the halls backed away, even the teachers who came to help. "Oh shut up, it will heal." Leo said, as he turned back towards me, his eye's glowing bright yellow and red.

"What's your natural eye color?" I Asked shakingly.

He smiled " I'm Quency's cousin. There's not much to it, really...Quency was one of the family members that was unfortunately left behind, while everyone else fled on the night the royals were murdered. Our family fled quickly into the portal of the human world, but not many of us made it out of the chaos. It's funny tho, how we we're inslaved to serve all the ungrateful people of our world and one of us mate's with the one's who've created us." He shook his head and laughed "but then again that night of the murder was our family's doing, uncle and some of our families died that night to kill off the royals. Our family knows the whole truth of that fateful night and right after that, the darkness came, uncle most likely cursed the place so that our family will prosper with power. Not long after, people abandoned our world and came here, afraid of the darkness that now engulfs our home."

"Wait....You're family killed.."

"Yes, I have to repeat my story?" Leo sighed annoyed.

I looked up at him in disbelief, as he just smiled back. "Honestly your family deserved it. That night they were to execute our uncle, my and Quency's parents tried to stop them. He had a lover in your family, they found out about it, but covered it up by saying he stole something, which ended up protecting the royal's asses. He ran away and went into hiding, leaving who he loved behind and forever shamed by society. He had devised a plan before they found him a year later. Only a few of my family members new where he was and helped him create a plan." He stopped and looked at his watch "it's time."

I looked at Quency who seemed to shocked to speak. He didn't even bother to look at me. I looked back at Leo, realizing something " your mate? How did you use such power?"

He smirked "oh I luckily met one of your cousin's in my middle school years...unfortunately she met an untimely death. And fortunately for me i posses great power. I guess we didn't kill off all the royals like we thought that night when the kingdom had gathered, to my uncle's execution, which was covered up as you're first birthday." He looked at the time on his wrist. "Well i would like to say more but it's time... once we get what we need out of you, then will kill you and permanently kill off the royals, for good."

He turned to cherry, who was standing now, with dry blood commimg down her ear. "Have you healed?" Cherry looked down and nodded. "Good.... now you all have my permission."

Without warning we were attacked mercilessly. I used my second shift sheild to block us from attacks, well mainly the students and teachers.

"Well if you guys haven't figured it out by now!" Quency shouted "but this means leave the building!

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