Let the summer begin

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Leanne's POV

As I start unpacking I smile slightly to myself as I hear everybody running around. some arguing over who gets what room and others getting excited about what their gonna do this summer. We're staying at a beautiful vacation home my friend Paul's uncle owns. We manage to get this place rent free every summer in exchange for us all pitching in his uncles ice cream store. There's a knock on my door and in comes Dave and Stacy

"Looks like we're room mates this this year" Dave smiles excitedly. I smile back at them but to be honest I'm kinda pissed I'm going to be stuck with the couple of the house! Every year there's always some drama with them now I'm gonna have to spent the summer listening to them.

break up,
get drunk,
make up
(Read those last 5 lines over and over and you'll see what I mean)

"come on we gotta go see my uncle Joey" Paul shouts from downstairs trying to get everyone together.

When we get to the ice cream store and we're greeted by a Paul's uncle Joey. he walks over to us open arms, smiling from ear to ear "hey!!!! welcome back to the best ice cream store in LA!!!" (He's not even exaggerating it really is the best ice cream store in LA!)We stand around talking to him for awhile catching up whilst Carla and Nichole write up the days we'll be working.

My mind starts wondering as Joey is talking, he's a really nice guy an fun to work with, he's not like most bosses he's always there if you need something or someone to talk to. Well...thats if he likes you, if he doesn't then it's a completely different story. He kinda reminds me of a cross between Santa and the godfather. Luckily he likes me!!! My thoughts are broken when someone's fingers start snapping in my face. "Helloooo Earth to Leanne..." Mark chuckles "Come on we're going. We gotta get ready for tonight"


We start getting ready and I picked out my outfit a cute yellow dress and matching shoes. And straightened my hair.

We're all sat in the living room waiting for the taxis to arrive. the girls start talking about whether they'll be cute guys at the club and how wasted their going to get and the guys start talking about what kind of girls they wanna bring home. I sit quietly for a moment I have no interest in hooking up with anybody I've never really seen the appeal in one night stands. "you never know LeeLee might even get hooked up this summer" Paul playfully nudges with his elbow an winks. "I don't think so" I nudge him back playfully "Your 21 now you gotta lose the V card sometime" he jokes "an when I do it's not gonna be with a summer hookup" I say in a joking yet defensive kind of way. He's about to speak when we hear the taxis pull up "let the summer begin!!!" Paul shouts excitedly

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