Chapter 4

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Leanne's POV

Me and Steve walk into the ice cream shop. It's my first shift today, and I've actually been looking forward to it, since that encounter at the club I've not been able to stop thinking about that cute guy I met and I really need something to distract me.

'Come on Leanne snap out of it' I tell myself 'the guy probably doesn't even remember you' my brain tells me. I sigh to myself and try to get on with my work to try and distract myself.

halfway through are shift it goes quiet so Steve and I stand an chat to each other "I can't wait until tonight" I say to Steve excitedly. we're going to the fair tonight I never got to go as a child so I think that's why I love them so much now. "Me too!" Steve smiles back with the same excitement. "I heard they got a new roller coaster this year we gotta try it! And don't worry I'll hold your hand all they way" Steve jokes and I roll my eyes playfully "you mean you want me to hold your hand?" I giggle.

We carry on talking then suddenly Steve goes silent as two men walk into the shop they ask for milkshakes so I quickly make them and give them their order. as they sit at a table I turn back to Steve to carry on the conversation but he's standing staring over at the two men from the corner of his eyes. "What's up with you?" I ask confused because he was so happy a moment ago now he's looking like he wants to punch someone. "Nothing!" he snaps "Steve" I fold my arms an raise one eyebrow and he looks at me and sighs knowing I'm not gonna let it go. "That guy over there" he nods in the direction of the two men "that's Jermaine Jackson"

"the guy who took Lucy!?" I ask instantly knowing why he's so pissed. few years ago Steve really fell for a girl named Lucy an she left him in the middle their date an left with a guy named Jermaine. "Doesn't that guy live in Gary?" I ask "yup! I guess him and his family have come here for the summer too" he says with disgust "him an his brothers are all the same they pick up girls an once they get what they want they just drop them like their nothing" I see him getting more pissed "hey! Our shifts over! Come on time to get ready for the fair" I say excitedly trying to cheer him up.


Michaels POV

We're at the club 'victory' rehearsing for our first show it isn't until tomorrow but Joseph is making us stay here all day "This job is really important for us so we need to be at our best" he reminds us for the millionth time. I sit down an take a break an Tito comes over "hey Mike we're gonna go to the fair tonight you in?"

"Always!" I laugh like he even needs to ask. "You never know we might find some hot chicks there tonight" he winks at me and I roll my eyes at him. Everywhere we go my brothers are always looking for girls  "We'll find someone" Marlon starts "and so will you Mike, you did it the other night at the club, so you have no excuse to sit moping in the corner this time" he laughs "that was different!" I say defensively "yeah, this time don't forget get her number!" Marlon chuckles "or at least her name"  Tito cuts in and starts laughing. I can't believe Marlon told him that, he's such a dick at times.

Joseph walk it an sees us sitting down talking "what the fuck is this? Your supposed to be rehearsing not sitting on you ass's!" He shouts. he's always so pissed off. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. "opportunities won't find you" Joseph says bringing me from my thoughts. we get up an get back to rehearsing.

I really wish I'd gotten that's girls name, I really wanna see her again so bad. I really miss her smile and those beautiful blue eyes. 'What the hell is wrong with you Mike!?' I say to myself. Why am I thinking like this? Still thinking about her? We only met once 'she probably doesn't even remember you'  I tell myself for the millionth time trying to forget about her. "EARTH TO MICHAEL!" Jermaine snaps bringing me from my daze and my brothers are all standing there staring at me wide eyed an kind of annoyed. "We gonna practice or what?" Jermaine snaps at me  "um..yeah sorry" I mutter and get back to work

I really need to stop thinking about her and move on. "Don't worry about Jermaine he's just a bit touchy because he saw Steve" Marlon whispers "Steve?" I frown confused "Steve!" He says again widening his eyes "oh, you mean Steve Steve?"

"Yup! Him and Randy went to this ice cream store and they saw him working there and trying to hit on some hot girl that works there"

"That doesn't surprise me" I chuckle. I've never seen Steve but according to my brothers he's a major player and him and Jermaine have history so if he's here that means this is gonna be a looong summer

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