Chapter 30

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Michael's POV

We're not working at the club tonight but Joseph still made us go down to the club first thing this morning to rehears and already I'm feeling exhausted. I have a date with Leanne tonight so I'm gonna try and get some sleep once rehearsas are over. The last date didn't go so well. I had a more romantic day planned for us but instead I ended turning up late and with a kid so I really don't wanna mess it up again.

"So you all set for you date tonight?" Marlon asks me as we're driving back to our hotel. "Yup! Got the whole evening planned out" I smile. "I'm gonna take her for dinner then go for a walk on the beach..."

"Then back to your room" Jermaine says suggestively. "Ignore him. That's sounds really nice" Marlon frowns at Jermaine "tonight has got to go perfect. Every date we've had so far has got fucked up"

"In what way?" Marlon asks. "Hmm.. Let me see" I say sarcastically. "So far every date we've been on either you guys show up, her friends show, I get a kid dumped on me.. Or someone spikes my drink" I turn and frown at Jermaine. "Bro, you have to admit, that was pretty funny" he chuckles. "No it wasn't!" I snap "You ended up getting your dick sucked didn't you? what's the problem?" He shrugs. "The problem is you all need to leave me the fuck alone and let me do this my way" I frown. "Mike, relax nobody's gonna turn up or do anything to mess it up tonight. I'll make sure of it" Marlon smiles through pursed lips and places his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks man" I wince slightly holding my stomach "you ok?" Jermaine asks and I nod and smile through pursed lips. "Just a cramp. I probably pulled something at rehearsals" I shrug. "I bet it was those milkshakes we had this morning. I ain't felt right since then either"


Leanne's POV

We're at the ice cream shop and I'm stood talking to Paul while Steve is busy trying to flirt with some of the customers which is really creepy to watch, because when he flirts he kinda looks like that pervy uncle at a party trying to hit on your friends "So we're are you guys going tonight?" Paul asks "we're going to a restaurant and..."

"It would be my honour to take a beautiful woman like you out tonight" we hear Steve say loudly from the other side of the shop. "What is he doing?" I look over confused "he's trying to make you jealous so you'd want him" Paul shrugs. "By flirting with other women in front of me?" I smirk raising and eyebrow. "It's a guy thing" he chuckles "oh.. Kay.... Anyway I need you to help me pick out something nice for my date"

"And why would you need my help?" He smirks cockily. "You know why?" I roll my eyes. He folds his arms and looks at me smirking waiting for me to say it. "Fine!" I sigh rolling my eyes. "Because your the best at helping me pick out clothes and your the most stylish person I know... Now will you help me?" I giggle and he smiles wrapping his arm around me. "Don't worry LeeLee by the time I'm done with you you'll be getting so much dick you won't know what to do with it" he laughs slightly pulling me in for a hug.


We're at the restaurant and Michael seems really quiet. "Is everything ok? You've barley touched your food" I ask and he smiles and nods "yeah, I'm just not very hungry right now"

"We can always go somewhere else if you...."

"No- no it's fine" he cuts me off "you enjoy your food" he smiles then frowns suddenly. I turn around and see Steve walking into the restaurant with some woman he was talking to at the ice cream store earlier. "Just ignore him" I smiles through pursed lips placing my hand on top of his. "I'll try" he mumbles messing around with his fork, moving his food around his plate. "So what did you do today?" He asks changing the subject.


We're sat talking and I notice Michael starting to look a little pale. "Are you sure you ok? Because we can always do this another...."

"I'm fine really" he cuts me off "I'm just a little warm" he smiles through pursed lips. "It's is pretty hot in here, maybe we should go outside for a minute and cool down" I suggest. I can tell a mile away he's not feeling good, but like all men he's letting his pride get in the way instead of just admitting he doesn't feel well and arrange to go out another time.

We get up from our table and are about to go outside when Steve stands up and walks over to us. "I hope your not leaving on my account"

"No. ego!" I frown "we're just stepping outside for a moment if that's ok with you?" I say sarcastically, still pissed that he came here. He knew full well Michael and I were coming for dinner here and he knew exactly what time. I don't know what game he's trying to play but I'm really not interested in finding out right now as I'm more concerned about Michael.

"Well I'm glad we can all be civil to one another and get along... The four of us" he smiles motioning at his date. I'm about to speak when Michael out of nowhere pukes up. And Steve stands frozen with a look of both shock and disgust on his face, staring down at his puke covered clothes. "Um... We should probably get going" I turn to Michael taking his hand. Quickly exiting the restaurant.


We get to Michael's hotel room and as soon as we walk in he runs straight to the bathroom and I can hear him being sick so I go in take a glass of water with me. "You feeling better now?" I smile "mhm" he groans taking the water from me. He's about to get up and but quickly stops and starts puking again and I kneel down beside him rubbing his back. "Baby, why didn't you just say you didn't feel good?"

"I didn't want you to get upset for cancelling" he mumbles taking the glass of water from me again then walks over to the sink to brush his teeth and wash his mouth out. "I'm not gonna be upset with you for being ill" I giggle slightly under my breath. "I'm sorry I messed up our date... Again" he sighs and I wrap my arms round him and peck his cheek. "You haven't messed up. I promise" I smile reassuringly. "C'mon. You need some rest"

"Will you stay with me?"

"Of course" I smile and we head back into the bedroom. And Michael hands me one of his T-shirts to wear for bed and he takes off his pants and shirts and gets in bed in just his boxers. "Tonight was supposed to be really romantic and we were supposed to go to the beach after and..."

"Sssh. Lets just concentrate on you getting better for now" I whisper cutting him off. "It's just stomach ache.. I'll be fine" he yawns trying to keep his eyes open. "How does this feel?" I whisper rubbing my hand across his stomach. "Feels much better" he says sleepily closing his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep

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