Chapter 24

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Leanne's POV

I get home and Steve is at the breakfast bar talking with Paul. And Paul tuts shaking his head. "Here she is! Doing the walk of shame yet again" 

"Shut up" I giggle walking over and he smirks seeing me blush slightly. "So your not even gonna thank me for buying you and your boyfriend lunch?" Steve says sarcastically. "Dude, That was pretty funny" Paul smirks trying not to laugh. "Oh yeah, Leanne becoming a sneaky little liar is hilarious" Steve rolls his eyes and walks out. "Dude! Who fucked you up the ass this morning!?" Paul shouts at him but he doesn't answer. "Why does he hate me so much these days?" I sigh. "Just ignore him... I do!" Paul shrugs. "Soooo..... What happened after you guys left the restaurant?"

"We um... We went to his hotel room" I mumble and he see's me blushing slightly. "Did you!?" He gasps slightly and smiles. "We didn't have sex of that's what you been. I'm still the same" he sucks the side of his cheek and looks at me suspiciously "something happened! Details... Now!" He says motioning me to sit with him. And I tell him everything. "Aww.. LeeLee's one step closer to becoming a woman!" He smiles pulling me in for a hug. "Shut up" I chuckles breaking away. "See! I told you he likes you" Paul smiles

"Well yeah,but...." I sigh not wanted to finish this sentence. "Steve could still be right about him you know... Using women" Paul sighs and rolls his eyes at me. "Baby girl, as a man I can honestly tell you that NO MAN would kiss a girl down there unless he really really liked her. Trust me. And the fact that he didn't try and push you for more and was happy with just a handjob and not a blowjob proves that even more"

"To be honest I'm kinda glad he didn't want me to give him a blowjob" I bite my lower lip nervously. "Don't worry about all that. He knows your still a virgin so he's not gonna expect you know all techniques and stuff" Paul says reassuringly. "It's not that it's.. Umm"

"It's what?" He looks at me couriousily. I sigh and take a deep breath. "Michael's fucking huge down there! Like actually scared the shit out of me when I first saw it huge!" I blurt out and he giggles slightly under his breath. "Don't worry I'm sure he'll be gentle with you when you and him finally get it in" he smirks wiggling his eyebrows playfully making me blush even more "Now c'mon we gotta go get ready for the club. I'm sure mr scary monster dick will be waiting for you" he chuckles. "You can't tell anybody I told you that!" I giggle, feeling my cheeks burning.


Michael's POV

It's 10 minutes before the show an Michael is in his dressing room with Jermaine.

"Where is she? She said she'd be here" I frown and start pacing up an down the room. Leanne said she would come an see me perform tonight but she's still not here. "Michael, chill! She said She'll be here"

"So where is she then!?" I snap and Jermaine laughs under his breath "maybe Steve gave her a better offer"

"shut up Jermaine!" I snap again. He's really been going out of his way to piss me off today. "Chill baby bro, don't take it out me! It's not my fault your Virgin girlfriend won't let you pass 1st base" he chuckles under his breath. "Shows how much know" I smirk and  Jermaine's looks at me wide eyed. "She finally put out!?" The door knocks an I hear Joseph "c'mon boys! time to go" I go to leave the room an Jermaine pulls me back "so did she or not?" He asks eager for more details and I pause a moment an smirk "ummm... let's just say... her pussy tastes great" I wink at him the leave.

Leanne's POV

I'm at club victory with my housemate as I'm dancing with Paul and I feel someone grab my arm. "There you are! Michael's been looking for you" Janet smiles. Michael and his brothers stop playing and go off stage to take a break. "C'mon he'll wanna see you" she smiles "sex wasn't just invented for you two ya know" Paul chuckles and I head to the backstage with Janet.


Michael's POV

Half way through the show we stop to take a break and I'm really pissed Leanne didn't turn up. She could of at least left a message or something. I near my dressing room and see Janet smiling "guess who I found!" She point towards my door. I look in my room an smile at Leanne sat waiting inside my dressing room "when did you get here?" I smile closing the door an go over an hug her

"Your welcome" I hear Janet sarcastically say through the closed door but I don't answer, keeping my attention on Leanne. "I was watching you out front"

"You didn't have to, you can come back stage"

"I didn't want to distract you before the show". I smile and pull her in tighter "baby, you can distract me anytime" I wink an peck her lips. "3 minutes!" I hear Joseph shout and I sigh rolling my eyes. "Let's just forget the show and run away" I say jokingly and press my lips softly against her and she pulls away giggling. "Go get back on stage"

"Fine!" I sigh and pout playfully.


Leanne's POV

I really want to spend more time with Michael backstage but I know he has to work and stay focused on the show and I don't want him getting in trouble with his dad again, so we've have to settle for sneaking a quick kiss and a cuddle when him and his brothers take a break.


I go to the bar to get another drink and Steve is sat slumped on a seat. "How many have you had?" I giggle and he looks up grinning the way he always does whenever he's completely wasted. "I'm just having some fun... Are you having fun?" He smiles a cheesy grin trying hard to sit up straight. "C'mon. You need some fresh air" I giggle and he wraps his arm around me as we head across the dance floor. "You my bestest Friend in the whole world and I lovvves youuuu" he slurs and we continue trying to pass the people on the dance floor "aww! your my bestie too" I giggle and he stops suddenly in the middle of the dance floor. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I ask worriedly and without warning he grabs my face in his hands and crashes his lips hard agains mine

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