Chapter 17

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Leanne's POV

I'm walking with Steve to the ice cream store for our shift and once again he's being off with me. "Our you just going to ignore me all day?" I mumble and he stops as week get to the ice cream store. "How could you do that!?" He snaps shaking his head. "Do what?"

"Leanne, you got drunk and spent the night with some guy you met in a bar" he frowns. "I was with Michael! It's not like I walked out with some Radom guy!" I snap. "That's even worse. I told you time and time again to stay away from him and you went and fucked him anyway! How could you degrade yourself like that?"

"Who said anything about sex?" I shrug. "Oh please, you really expect me to believe you just slept in the same bed as him, come home wearing his clothes but nothing happened!" He scoffs "Why don't you just admit it?"

"Why would I lie? I have no reason too" I snap "are you two just gonna stand outside my shop screaming at each other or come in and actually do some work!" Joe snaps opening the door. "I'm coming" I tell him walking in. "Is that what you said to Michael too?" Steve scoffs and I roll my eyes ignoring him.

Steve's POV

I feel really bad about what I said to Leanne earlier. I was just mad because she didn't listen to me. I know what the Jackson's are like and I've warned her about Michael over and over. He's just gonna hurt her.

Leanne hasn't spoken to me all morning and I don't blame her, but I really wanna make things right between us. Me and her have been friends since the day she first moved over from England and I'm not gonna lose her over a Jackson.

"Um, Leanne can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Whatever bitchy comment you have to say, save it! I'm really not interested" she rolls her eyes at me. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said earlier" I mumble looking at the ground. "So why did you say it?"

"I didn't want to see you get hurt. That's why I was trying to warn you"

"But Michael hasn't hurt me! He hasn't done anything" she shrugs. "But he will.. Now you and him have done it, he won't talk to you now"

"So why did he invite me to the club tonight huh!?" She snaps. "To end it. I'm sorry but that's what he's gonna do" I try to warn her "he might act all charming and sweet at first but now he's...."

"Our you two still arguing!?" Joe says coming from the back. "He is!" Leanne scoffs. I'm about to speak when Michael of all people walks in. "Hey, I came to take you to lunch" he smiles at Leanne. "Our breaks not for another 30 minutes" I shrug. "I'm the boss not you" Joe frowns. "Of course you can take LeeLee for lunch" he smiles at Michael. "Who's LeeLee?" He looks on confused "it's just my nickname" Leanne giggles. "you didn't bother to ask her name?" I scoff. "You two go before I change my mind" Joe points at them and they quickly leave hand in hand.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you and Leanne were friends?" Joe asks confused. "He's the problem! Him and his brothers! Michael doesn't care about her. him and his brothers use girls for sex then dump them the next day. That's probably why he wants to take her for lunch, to dump her"

"And you know this for a fact!?" He frowns "yes, and I have personal experience with his brother. I was on a date and he literally walked in and took the girl I love with him. Then dumped her the next day and..."

"And now his brother is taking the other girl you love too" Joe cuts me off. "What!? No! Leanne's my friend and I don't want her getting hurt!" He stares at me raising and eyebrow. "Steve, I know you love her"

"I love her as a friend that's all, nothing more!" I shake my head. "Yes you do. I see the way you look at her"

I shake my head at him confused "You were looking at her the same way that Michael was looking at her... The same way she looking at him"

"No he's messing her around just to get a me! Jermaine did it with Lucy and now Michael's doing it to Leanne. Last week me and her were walking down the street together and he literally came over, stuck his tongue down her throat then walked away! This it's just a game to him!"

"Have you considered maybe Michael was jealous seeing you with his girlfriend? That's why he did it?"

"He doesn't love her. He's using her. Him and Jermaine probably planned it together"

"For what?" He looks on confused "to get at me why else? It's just a joke to them" he sighs putting his arm around me. "Steve you can't make Leanne love you. I admit it's a coincidence Michael taking a shine to her but you can't blame him for that. if they like each other there's nothing you can do about it. Just like you can't blame Michael for what his brother did to you. If a woman you love, loves you back, then she wouldn't walk out with another man"

"Why won't anybody listen to me!"

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