Chapter 6

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Michaels POV

After an that awkward conversation an realising that the guy wasn't Leanne's boyfriend (and actually remembering to ask her name this time) I started to feel more confident again and even got her number an found out where she's working so now I have no chance of losing her again. "So what made you moved to America?" I ask as we sit on the grass still looking out onto the fair which looks beautiful now it's nighttime and all the lights are shining. she sighs an goes quiet for a moment  "well my dad left my mother for a younger woman when I was about 6 and my mother took it really bad she started drinking and going with any guy that paid her any attention. They only use her for her money an a free place to stay but she'd never listen and expected me to just sit back an be ok with it. We fought all the time an eventually when I was 16 I'd had enough an left an I moved over here to live with my aunt and uncle. "She let you just get on a plane and leave?" I ask surprised "she didn't even notice" she shrugs "It took her two weeks to realise I'd even gone" she looks down at the ground. And I put my arm around her and wipe a tear falling from her face. "Do you still speak to her?"  I don't want to upset her more but I can tell she really needs to Someone to talk to about this . "She turns up every now an then but we're not close. she's never really been a real mother to me growing up and all the times I DID need her she was never there" she croaks and starts to cry a little so I pull her close to me and rest her head in my shoulders an she starts to cry more, I don't say anything I just hold her tightly. Letting her get in all out.

After a few minutes she stops. I purse my lips smiling softly, wiping away the remaining tears on her face. "I'm so sorry about that" smiles  awkwardly, looking away from me and I turn her face gently so so facing me again "don't apologise, you needed this" I continue to hold her and stroke the side of her face. her skin is so soft and beautiful and we sit an cuddle for awhile. I know we just met and it sounds crazy to me too, but I wish I can stay here like this forever.
"What  happened to you eye?" She asks bringing me out of my thoughts, I'd completely forgot I cut the side of my eye. "Me an my brother got in fight was nothing". I shrug "is that why your upset?" She asks looking concerned. I sigh and nod "yeah, me and My brother got in a fight again. We used to be so close, but the last few years he's changed so much. He used to be nice and he was happy.... then he found out his fiancé had been cheating on him. He actually caught her in a restaurant with him..... she tried to say it was a business meeting or something but Jermaine knew the truth an since then he's never trusted women an started using them just for sex then dumping the next day, he won't talk about his feeling so instead he always takes it out on me"

"wait!... Are you talking about Jermaine Jackson?" She frowns sitting up straight and I nod  "he's my you know him?" I close my eyes praying she doesn't say yes Please God don't let her yes I say to myself "not personally" I open my eyes an sigh in relief "Steve my roommate...he was the guy who was with the girl at the restaurant"

"Lucy?" I ask "yeah, Lucy" she nods "Steve told me all about it, they were dating for awhile and one night they went to a restaurant an he went to the restroom then when he got back he saw Lucy outside all over Jermaine. He just walked in while Steve was in the restroom and took her home and hooked up with her"

"Jermaine an Lucy were engaged. He never took Lucy from Steve he took her from Jermaine"

she sighs an looks and the ground. "What's wrong" I ask and she looks away and looks like she going to cry again "It's something Steve said...he told me about Jermaine and your brothers.... an you"

"about me!?" She nods "he told me about what you guys were like with women and that you just use them an only want them for one thing then dump them once you get a get it" I gently wipe a tear falling on her cheek "do you think that's I'm doing?"

"I don't know... I don't even know you" she mumble still not looking at me "why would he Steve tell me that for no reason?" I lift up her head so she looks at me "Steve doesn't know me either and I swear to you I will never do anything like that to you. Just because Jermaine and the others do that doesn't mean I'm the same" she smiles slightly and I pull her in an hold her close. Feeling pissed that Steve or anybody would say that about me. Especially when they haven't even met me.

We stay there for a moment just holding each other silently then we hear people screaming and shouting which brings us back to reality and we get up an head back towards the fair. As we're walking I hold Leanne's hand and intwine my fingers with hers. I look at her from the corner of my eye to see her reaction an see her smiling the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. We walk a little further an see where all the yelling is coming from. There's  a crowd of people in the car park and I see Janet standing at the side crying. I look over to where she's looking and I see Jermaine fighting with Steve. Leanne and I run over an try to help the rest of the people who are trying to break up the fight.

Eventually we all manage to break them apart and their both busted up pretty bad and can we hear police sirens. "C'mon we gotta get out of here" Tito yells hurrying us towards the car. I help get Jermaine in then run over an get Janet who is now hysterical. "Come on it's ok" I hug her as I lead her towards the car. Just as I'm about to get in the car I look around to find where Leanne went, then I see her with her friends trying to help Steve into their car. She doesn't look over because she's to busy dealing with Steve. "Michael! what the fuck are you waiting for!? C'mon!" Marlon screams and quickly get in the car an we drive off

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