Chapter 7

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Leanne's POV

We get back to the house and Steve is still crazy pissed. "I've been waiting for that moment for a long fucking time!? he snaps at me. I don't say anything Since I already knew what he's talking about an to be honest I'm kinda sick of hearing about it. Ever since what happened with Lucy he's been pissed off at the world and everything in it. So I decide to just keep quiet an start helping him clean the blood off his face, which Jermaine messed him up pretty bad. while he sits an carries on talking (which was more like yelling). "From the second I seen him walk in the shop I knew what he was here for"

"what do you mean?" I ask confused "It's pretty obvious why he's hear he came here looking for a fight. That's the only reason he's here, an he knows he can't take me one on one that's why he brought his brothers along with him" I roll my eyes an carry on cleaning the cuts from his face. "Don't you think your being a bit paranoid?" I raise and eyebrow at him "Why would him an his brothers come all the way here from Gary just to get in a fight with you?"

"What other reason could they have for being here?"

"Maybe their on vacation or work... Like you" I smile slightly trying to lighten the mood and he shakes his head "he's here because he's a disgusting piece of shit who has nothing better to do then spend all his free time following me around rubbing it in my face that he's the guy that took Lucy from me, its not like he even liked her, after taking her from me he just dropped her and she moved away. This is what he does! All the Jackson brothers are a the same, they can't even fight one on one. They better pray I don't see one of them alone" Just then my phone rings and I see its Michael. "Um..I'm just gonna take this outside, be right back" he looks at me confused as I head outside. I know I probably should tell Steve about Michael but I really don't want Steve to get himself into another fight so I decided its Probably not the best time to tell him about Michael.

"Hello" I whisper so Steve doesn't hear "turn around" a quiet, soft voice replies I turn around and smile slightly seeing Michael across the road. I put the phone down an walk over "what are you doing here? Wait! How do you know where I'm staying?" I frown confused walking over to him "I went to the place you said your were working and your boss told me..... I wanted to check you was ok after what happened" he sighs and looks at the ground "I'm sorry I didn't come over after the fight. I couldn't leave my brother in that state"

"It's ok, it's probably for the best you didn't. Steve's still pretty pissed at you guys" he takes my hand and intwines  his fingers with mine "walk with me?" I smile and nod. And we start walking circling the block talking "so... Why's Steve so pissed at me?" He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes playfully "Because your Jermaine's brother and He thinks your all out to get him and that's  the only reason your here is so you and your brothers can beat him up and so Jermaine can rub it in his face that he took Lucy"

"seriously?" he giggles an we keep walking then he suddenly stops next to his car. "I have something for you" he smiles, biting his lower lip. He look so adorable when he does that. I think to myself. He opens the car door an in the front passenger seat wearing a seat belt I see "Mr fluffy struggles!" I shout then scrunch up my face embarrassed by my reaction, he  giggles taking him out of the seat. "He's a little shaken up after being abandoned at the fair so he made need some extra snuggles" he smirks handing him to me. I put my head down hoping he doesn't notice me blushing. I was so busy with everything I'd completely forgot all about him. "Thank you for bringing him home" I smile feeling myself going even more red. he went all the back for a teddy bear! Steve was so wrong about him. Not so sure about Jermaine since I've never met the guy but he's totally wrong about Michael. He does that cute lip biting thing again an stares at me silently, I'm so drawn to him right now all I can do is stare back. After a few moments he sighs an puts his head down. "Will you....ummm...maybe wanna....but only if you want to?" he starts stuttering nervously then he takes a deep breath and looks up at me "will you go on a date with me?" He quickly blurts out. I nod feeling those butterflies again "I'd love too" we stand an smile blushing a little then both go quiet I must look so weird right now just standing here staring at him holding a giant bear "Is Thursday ok?" He quickly says and I nod still smiling "8'clock?"

"I'll see you then" He moves closer to me and strokes the side of my face an smiles. we stare at each other silently for a moment then as he leans in to kiss me but we're interrupted by someone politely coughing we look over an Paul is stood behind me with his arms crossed staring at us straight faced then raises his eyebrows at us. and we break away quickly.

"Oh, hi, Paul" I smile awkwardly "who is this?" He says in a serious tone looking at us "this is Michael, Michael this is my roommate Paul' I introduce them to each other feeling kind of awkward hoping he hasn't been standing there long "I left my bear at the fairground an he was just bringing him back for me" I smile through pursed lips "and that take 2 hours?" I look at him surprised. I was so happy just walking and talking with Michael I had no idea I'd we'd been outside that long. I open my mouth to speak but He turns to Michael before giving me a chance "and it involves you groping her face?" His raises an eyebrow at him and Michael smirks at him as Paul is still looking at him straight faced. he turns to me an strokes the side of my face again. I look down smiling feeling myself going bright red "well...she's just so beautiful I couldn't help myself" he smiles then stops an looks back at Paul standing there arms folded  "I agree! she's VERY beautiful, but that doesn't mean you have to stand groping her outside my house" Michael and I both look down trying not to laugh noticing Paul is finding it difficult not to smile. "I should be going" I sigh smiling slightly and he smiles back an nods. "Thanks again" I smile at him and I turn walking off back inside with Paul. I don't turn back but I hear him close his car door an start the engine.

As we get in the house Paul closes the door behind us then turns looking at me with the biggest cheesiest grin. "Soooo ... the cute boy from the club is called Michael?"

"yes" I smirk. my phone beeps an I look down and see I have a text "is that him!?" Paul asks excitedly. I don't answer him an start reading the messages smiling "it is isn't it!? What does it say!?" He tries to grab the phone off me playfully "come on let me see!" He finally managed to get my phone an reads the message out loud
"What's happening on Thursday? He squints his eyes looking at me questionably me with a cheesy grin. "Nothing!" I giggle like he doesn't already know. "Has baby LeeLee got herself a date?".

"Mmm...maybe?" I tease. He pulls me in hugging me excitedly "my baby girls gotta a date!" I push him  off playfully "aww.. my baby LeeLee's all grown up" he pouts playfully "shut up, I'm off to bed" I giggle and turn to walk up stairs to my room "miss you already!" Paul shouts from downstairs "Mer mer mermer" I sarcastically mumble giggling to him as I close the door still smiling.

I lay on the bed just thinking about Michael an picturing his smile as he bites his bottom lip. he looks so sexy when he does that, my butterflies start coming back just thinking about him.

How is this happening? I've only met this man a week ago and I've only just found out his name today yet, he has me feeling like some love sick teenager. I smile to myself.

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