Chapter 2

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We get to the club and the place is already packed. As we're standing at the bar waiting for our drinks, I notice a guy standing at the other end of the bar. He's looking over at me smiling the cutest smile I've ever seen. He's really handsome. he has beautiful caramel skin with cute black curls an the most beautiful eyes. I smile back at him politely and start feeling butterflies which was really weird "So much for not wanting hook up this summer" I hear Carla giggle as she hands me a drink. "I don't and I won't be"

"yeah right!, I saw you checking out that guy" she smirks "I wasn't looking at any guy, I was just looking around the club" I say feeling myself blushing slightly "Yeah sure you were" Carla smirks nudging me playfully, Come on let's go dance" she pulls me away from the bar an drags me towards the dance floor.

Michael's POV

I'm sat at the bar in a club my brothers dragged me to. I hate going to the clubs, I always end up sat on my own at the bar while my brothers spend all night hooking up with girls. Occasionally a girl would come over an try an talk to me but I'm not like my brothers I don't hook up with random drunk girls. They just want someone to have sex with they don't really care about me or want to talk. Half the time they don't even bother introducing themselves they just wanna hook up with the first guy they see. My brothers love women like that but, I'm kinda fussy when it comes to women. I prefer girls who don't sleep around or spend the night drinking until they pass out in the corner.

I order another drink and as I'm standing at the bar I look up and see a girl standing with her friends. She looks so beautiful she has medium length blonde hair and she has bright blue eyes. I've seen a lot people with blue eyes before, but hers were really bright blue which kinda reminds me of a beautiful Ocean and I couldn't help but stare at her. Shes smiling an talking to her friends. She has the cutest baby face and those eyes are so hypnotising. 'my god she's beautiful' I say to myself . She looks over at sees me. Shit! she saw me staring at her! she smiles a little at me. I smile back and start getting butterflies and feeling myself blush then I realise I'm still staring at her, she must think I'm really creepy just standing here staring at her like some kind of weirdo..... 'and yet your still staring at her' I say to myself. What the fuck is wrong with me? why I'm I still staring? I'm trying to look away but it's like I'm frozen.

I feel a hand on my shoulder an I quickly snap back into reality. I turn and see my brother Marlon smiling "go over there"

"where?" I ask trying to act innocent "go over and talk to her! You know you want to" he chuckles. He's always trying to get me to talk to girls in the club but I can never seem to find the nerve to just go over to people. I don't have that confidence my brothers have they can just walk over to any girl and start talking to them and get their number. Just once I wish I could do that. I look over again and I see her walking towards the dance floor. I sigh to myself an walk off with Marlon "better luck next time" he smiles sympathetically. even though he doesn't say it I see the look on his face its that "you fucked up" face I've seen so many times

Leanne's POV

After awhile of dancing me an Carla go back to the bar I'm so thirsty after all that dancing. "be right back" Carla smiles heading towards the restroom. I order our drinks and wait at the bar for her. I look around to see the rest of my roommates around the club the guys are all creeping on girls (as always) and the girls are dancing and checking out guys around them. I look over and see the guy from earlier. He's sat talking to his friends. As I look over I start feeling those butterflies again. 'Why do I keep looking at him?' I ask myself. He must think I'm some kind of weirdo. I see him look over in my direction. Shit!... he saw me looking! I turn around quickly hoping he didn't notice. The barman gives me mine and Carla's drink an I take a sip an look towards the bathrooms waiting for Carla and I feel someone stand next to me on the other side I turn around and I see the cute guy I was just looking at standing right in front of me

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