Chapter 28

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Leanne's POV

After my shift at the ice cream store I went back to the house and went straight to the shower. The second I step under the shower, someone starts pounding on the door. 'What the fuck!?' I say to myself and quickly throw a large T-shirt and my panties on and answer the door.

"Um.. Hi, come in. Why don't you!?" I frown as Michael storms straight past me and walks in without saying a word. "When did it happen?" He snaps and I look at him and shrug confused. "Was it before you came to the club? Is that why you were late? Or was after I left? How long after I left?"

"What the hell are talking about!?" I snap "you and Paul! I know you hooked up with him, is that why your dressed like this? Were you in the middle of something?" He points at my clothing. "Yes! Actually was in the shower and I didn't hook up with Paul! What are you talking about!?"

"So how come I heard Steve on the phone saying to Paul 'I won't mention about you hooking up with Leanne again" he mimics Steve. "I have no idea! After you left, I hung out with my friends for awhile, then I went to bed alone!" I snap. "So nothing's ever happened with you and Paul and you didn't make up with Steve?" He asks in a calmer tone. "Steve apologised to me this morning, but that's it" I shrug. "You didn't answer the other question" he mumbles, sitting at the breakfast bar and I sit down and join him. "Paul's a good friend of mine and that's it. We kissed once at a party when I first came to America but it was nothing"

"Was it nothing to him or to you?" He looks at me with a straight face. "It was nothing for either of us. If you really wanna hear the whole story fine! A week after I moved here, Carla threw a party and we all got drunk and played spin the bottle and me and Paul made out"

"And that's it?" He shrugs skeptically. "You've never done everything else. Just kissed him that one time?"

"That's it. You know this already!.... Yes, I've kissed other men before but that's it" he doesn't say anything for a moment then sighs taking a deep breath. "I'm I wasting my time with you?"

"Do you think your wasting your time?" I mumble. Hurt that he just said that. "It doesn't matter what I think. I want to know... Have I just been wasting my time chasing you all summer or do you actually see is going further?"

"I do want us to be more" I mutter "but?..." He raises an eyebrow at me waiting for an excuse and I shrug not having one. "If I ask Paul about you two..."

"He'll tell you the exact same thing" I cut him off "but how would I know he's not lying?" He shrugs. "Because if anything more had happened between us, he has nothing gain and nothing lose by telling you"

"He'd could lose you as a friend" he mumbles. "I'm not gonna stop being somebody's friend because they tell the truth" I shrug and he doesn't say anything. "I'm just gonna go get dressed, I'll be right back" I mumble and head to the bathroom to get the clothes.

I brush my teeth and wash my face in the sink and I'm about to get dressed when Michael walks in quietly "I'm sorry for storming over here and yelling like that " he mumbles resting his body against the door frame. "It's fine, it's done now" I sigh and shrug and he slowly walks over wrapping his large hands around my waist. "Are we ok?" He whispers onto my neck sending a shiver down my spine. "Mhm... Just don't ever do that again"

"I promise"  he mumbles and presses his lips against mine, kissing me deeply leading me near the bathroom counter, lifting me up onto it and undoes his pants with one hand while rubbing his large fingers slowly against my panties making me wet with the other, he then shifts them to the side moving himself closer towards my entrance. "Wait!" I say nervously as he slowly slide his tip on the inside of my folds "I-I can't do this..." I stutter " ok" he whispers breathing heavily "I'm not gonna put it in I promise. I just... ahh... I just wanna feel your juices on me...Mmm" he moans slowly gliding huge fully hard manhood across my wetness while kissing me deeply making me moan slightly into his mouth. "I'm am I making you feel good, baby?" He smiles onto my lips "mhm" I moan slightly as I slowly move my hips in sync with his.

I bite my lower lip, feeling myself getting closer as he starts flicking his tip against my clit. "Oh fuck! I moan onto his lips as he starts rubbing his tip faster against my clit. "God, I can't wait to be inside of you, girl... I wanna hit your spot soo bad" Michael groans nibbling sucking and nibbling on my neck. I'm about to say something and there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"LeeLee? you better just be washing your hands in there"

"Um... Just a minute!" I shout and Michael and I quickly adjust ourselves. And I open the door.


Michael's POV

"Hi, Paul" I smile through pursed lips, fighting the urge to punch the wall. I like Paul.... But I was so fucking close!! I'm sure this guy just goes around cock blocking all day. "So.. This is interesting" Paul stares at us. "I thought you just came back to wash the ice cream out of your hair?" He raises and eyebrow. And I turn confused as I notice, Leanne actually does have ice cream stuck in the bottom of her hair. 'How the fuck did I not notice this!?' I ask myself looking at the blue ice cream stuck at the end of her hair.

"Michael.. Um, just came over to help me get it out... It's really stuck in there" Leanne says bringing me from my daze. "Um, yeah it was really stuck" I agree with her. still confused to how the fuck I didn't notice blue ice cream in her blonde hair! "Sooo... You used the tip of your dick... To get ice cream out the tips of her hair?"

"Exactly!" I nod "Oh... Kay!" He smirks shaking his head "that's the worst excuse you guys have come up with so far" he chuckles walking away from the bathroom and we follow behind him. "I'm gonna have to go to rehearsals. I'll see you later, baby" I smile pecking Leanne's lips "I'll miss you"

"Awww! I'll miss you too honey!" Paul runs over hugging me playfully "bye Paul" I chuckle. I turn to leave when Steve walks through the door and looks at the three of us nervously. "What's up with you?" Paul frowns at Steve confused. "Um, nothing" Steve mumbles sensing by Pauls body language he doesn't know about his and Steve's 'private phone call' earlier.

"So, how's everyone doing?" Steve asks casually and smiles through pursed trying to act innocent. I don't say anything about the whole phone call thing, because I don't want to start an argument in someone else's house. But the second Steve smiles his fake smile at me. I instinctively punch him hard in the jaw without saying anything. "What did you do now?" Paul sighs rolling his eyes looking at Steve on the floor and just like Leanne makes no attempt to help him up.

"I'll call you later,baby I smile, pecking Leanne's lips and she nods kissing me back the same way and I quickly leave before another fight starts.

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