6:"Nice Sized Díck"

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"Apparently there's this mall across town, you wanna go fuck up some commas?" Andy asks from her spot on the floor.
"I don't have commas to fuck up."
"You got ten fingers and a distraction." She shrugs like it's obvious. "Oh and Gerald and Savannah wanna come." Me and Gerald got along quite well since he gave me that vodka last week. We've actually become friends. He was about as gay as they get which only added to the love I have for him. Savannah is also cool, a bit of a bitch and loud as fuck but still cool. "Oh and what happened between you and Brian yesterday? Somebody said you guys got comfy on a wall?" She raised her eyes a judging smirk on her lips. Bitch.
"He wanted to fuck me, I told him about Zane. The end. Now let's go 'fore I change my mind." She smiled a knowing one before following me out the door.

"Su polla era como la Torre Eiffel. Mi memoria había desaparecer todo lo que pude decir fue macarrones." Sav was rambling off in Spanish which she does whenever she gets too excited about something.
"Okay, I heard dick and macaroni?" I point out and everyone laughs. Sav winks at me before stuffing a donut down her throat. The mall trip was actually turning out to be a really good idea so far. These little homemade donut things I got at a kiosk are life.
"Hey bitch watch where you walk!" Sav yells at some lady who had bumped into her. The lady mumbles something in Spanish which set Sav off. "Ven a mí viejo amplio!" She began waving her arms like a mad woman so Gerald pulled her back. "Perra estúpida." She mumbles before spitting at the lady.
"Sav! Control yourself." Andy tried to scold her but we're all laughing uncontrollably. After the lady had walked away and Sav was in control Gerald, Andy and I all spoke at the same time.
"You called her a bitch didn't you?" She laughs and toss her long brown hair over her shoulder.

After we all controlled Sav we head Forever 21 and get a little money hungry. Gerald, who I found out is crazy stupid rich, buys me a lot of shit and I might've stole a dress or two. "Oh my god, teal goes great with my eyes!" Gerald squeals drawing attention to the dressing room.
"Gerald you díck rider, that was right in my fucking ear." Andy complains with a smile dancing on her lips. "Oi! Best friend. Just got a text from Darren, hottie with a body, and there's a bar downtown he said we should swing by. " It seemed like it's almost an obligation to punish your kidneys every weekend here. Just last week we were puking up our lungs at this crazy ass pool party. Not that I'm one to complain I'm a bordering on alcoholic.
"What about Casper and the Mexican?"
"Aye! Mexican standing right here. Besides I'm busy. Gonna be fúcking that cute blonde over there. " Sav points to a guy that's clearly hugged up on his girlfriend.
"He's taken." Casper replies bluntly.
"Dios mío, eres estúpido. Don't be stupid Gerald, boys think with their polla not their heads." I watch her wink at the boy while his Girlfriend is in the dressing room and just like that they're basically eye fucking.
"Well we should get going then, gotta get sexy."
It isn't until we're in safety of our dorm that I finally get real with Andy.
"I don't know about going to this bar. I still have a boyfriend. Going to a bar with a guy almost feels like I'm cheating." I'm proud of myself because the old Nadia would have put on her shortest dress and been ready to take the first guy who showed interest. The old Nadia would have pushed Zane out of her mind and got drunk without thinking about consequences. The old Nadia didn't feel guilt, the old Nadia did what she wanted because she could. I was trying not to be that girl.
"You aren't going to a bar with a guy, you're going with your best friend. You don't have to get sexy, just look 21." Andy shrugs not realizing how serious this is for me.
"Andy you aren't fúcking listening to me! You've been doing this since we showed up at USC, I'm not the same girl I was in high school. I'm tired of being thst girl who fúcks anything with a nice sized dîck." She finally face me with mild confusion on her face.
"I am listening to you. I know you miss Zane and you love him I get that okay? But I just want to have a little fun, live a little Nadia."
"You can go and live it up. I'm cooling for the night." My voice is distant and suddenly I'm in the room alone.
Fuck Andy. As my best friend, my sister, she's supposed to know when I've reached my peak. She's supposed to support my decision and support the fact that I'm tired of being a hoe. Tired of doing the guy I love dirty.
"Its hard enough for me to stay stable with my past. Hard enough for me to trust and to love with the shit I went through and you just keep encouraging me to be exactly who my family knew I was going to be." My voice is almost a whisper.
"The mysterious past you never talk about?" The anger is noticeable in her voice and I can't make myself look at her. "Nadia, I've watched you break down because of this mysterious past. I've watched you get drunk until you black out because of your past. But I won't be able to understand you in the way I need to as a best friend until you let me in." She rants her eyes burning holes in my skin.
"When I was 14, I got pregnant."


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