Five Years Later

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"Put some damn pants on people will be here any second. You want Casper to see yah dick hanging all out?" I scold my husband and he sticks out his tongue like the child he is.
"Come here." He whines from his spot on the bed. When I don't make effort to move he gets up and pulls me to the bed. "Relax baby." He sits me down and climbs behind me.
My body automatically reacts to him when his hands work on my shoulders.
"Zane..." I groan. His lips find my neck and I lean my head over giving him better access.
"Hmm?" His hands move from my shoulders and travel downward until he's gripping my hips.
"Zane...stop." He lays me down and climbs on top of me.
"Hmm?" Zane's lips find my own and I give in kissing him with equal ferocity. They travel to my nose then jaw then the top of my breast.
"Careful." I scold him and he smirks before kissing my baby bump. Eyes still on mine he starts pulling down my pants.
"Yo! Bitches! We here!" Leave it to Andy to ruin the moment.
"Fuck!" Zane groans and I laugh.
"Stop having the intercourse and greet us!" Damon yells. God, they deserve each other.
"We'll continue this tonight." He gives me one last kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.
"Auntie!" A little voice squeals. A smile breaks across my face as my nephew runs towards me, little feet padding across the floor.
"Jr!" I squeal with equal excitement.
"Andy!" My best friend joins in the party.
"Zane!" Jr stands in the middle of us with a straight face clutching his Paw Patrol teddy bear. I scoop him up in my arms and blow raspberries in his neck.
"How's Aunty baby?"
"Good!" He exclaims. I put him down and he runs to the room that's designed specially for him. The only reason we got this four bedroom house was for Jr can have his own room. It was all Paw Patrol. And he loved it.
"How's this baby?" Andy asks speaking to my stomach. Zane and Damon disappears to living room to watch our 60inch while Andy and I head to the kitchen.
"All goody. We found out the sex yesterday!" I squeal and Andy's eyes go wide. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you. We were out all yesterday getting everything we needed for her room. Then we went to see Courtney. It was just hectic."
"Her?! We having a girl!"
"Yes, yes we are."
"Oh bitches!" I hear a too familiar voice. Sav appears through the doorway and she smiles before throwing her arms around us.
"Where's Cameron?" Sav met Cameron two years ago when we went to Myrtle Beach for some party. He immediately liked her and she made him work for it. They were together three months before he moved down here and they for an apartment together. A year into their relationship they had twins. Two boys Camden and Steven.
"Chilling with the guys. Casper made it yet?"
"Nah. He's on his way. Tayshawn should be here shortly too." It took Tayshawn two whole months to come to terms with our break up but he finally did. It took him a year to be able to be around Zane. He met a nice girl, Jessica, and they've been together for about a year and some change now and he says he wants to marry her.
"Somebody say Casper?" Speak of the pink haired bastard and he shall appear.
"God, I thought I told you that hair looks ridiculous." Sav exclaims.
"You hate bitch. You hate." He smiles and head to me pulling me in for a hug.
"Oh Casper the gay ghost how I've missed you."
"I know. I've been M.I.A, Malcolm took me to France." I don't like Malcolm. At all, his head is bigger than my house twice and he thinks he's the best shit since shit.
"He didn't come?"
"Well..." Pretentious asshole.
After everyone gets here we head outside and the boys play while we all talk and cut up around the grill.
The moment makes me wondow how so many bad things led me here. Having a cookout with my closest friends. Married to the love of my life and expecting a child.
Looking around I realize this is exactly how it was supposed to turn out.

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