18:"a unicorn pranked you"

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"This is absurd." I smile shaking my head. We're at a lake/mini beach, covered in cake with a large meatlovers pizza with stuffed crust and a dozen of hot doughnuts.
"This is me becoming your friend." He says simply sitting on the sand, I don't say anything but plop right next to him.
We talk mindlessly for hours getting to actually know each other. Our favorites, likes, dislikes, birthdays, family. It's nice hanging out with Tayshawn as friends.
"I think you're tired of your boyfriend." The statement catches me off guard, and I do not disagree.
"Well every time he texts you, your eyebrows do this thing where the right one goes down and the left one stays the same. It's cute but you only do it when he texts you. And for two you're here. With me. Alone. Sharing pizza." My eyes are on his lips. My mind slowly processing his words. "For three, you want to kiss me." I still don't speak. I'm still figuring out how to word what I'm going to say.
"It's not that I'm tired of him. Because we've been together for almost three years now. If I was tired of him we would've broken up by now. I'm not tired of him, I love him. I am tired of the distance. I am tired of this unknowing."
"Yeah." It isn't smart to spill my problems with Zane to Tayshawn but then I look at those too brown eyes and I trust him. How is it that I trust him more than I trust Zane? "We've had problems in the past. So it's hard. Yah know?" Instead of saying anything more I stuff a donut in my mouth.
"That's sexy." His sarcastic tone makes me snort. I pay close attention to the water because I shouldn't be here with Tayshawn. My body takes notice of the wind because my mind shouldn't be wanting to feel Tayshawn's touch. My feet dig into the sand fighting the urge to kiss him.
This is a bad decision I know. But I am Nadia Jenkins the bad girl.

Is lying as bad as omitting the truth? I believe so, maybe even worse. But surely somethings don't need to be said. But if I had to amit it then it seems like cheating.
I feel like I'm cheating. Or rather did cheat on Zane again. He's waiting for my answer, waiting for me to tell him about my day.
"I just kind of hung out with a friend." Maybe I shouldn't have said friend. I feel like I'm cheating.
"Oh yeah. Who?" What's his business to ask? Now I'm getting frustrated because he's asking 102 questions.
"Tayshawn." I close my eyes immediately after saying it.
"The Tayshawn you let kiss on you?" He laughs. It sounds like glass shattering. Then, he goes silent.
"Yes." He's still silent. Zane isn't ever quiet, bullshit is constantly coming out of his mouth. "Baby?"
"You cheat again?" His tone is like calm. Too calm. Calm like the two seconds before he punched Mark for kissing me. Calm like before he beat that guy up once for calling me a bitch. Yeah, it's the scary calm.
"No, he wanted to get to know me. As friends. Hell, we went to a four year old's birthday party."
"I can't-"
"Zane, do you trust me?" I think of mine and Tayshawn's conversation earlier. Immediately regretting what I ask seconds after it leaves my mouth I push the phone away from my ear. His answer is not one I want to hear. "I love you. I swear I'll never cheat on you again. You have to believe that. What I did last time was fueled by hurt and anger." It's the truth, I don't have it in me to hurt Zane for a third time. He doesn't say anything but instead lets out a deep breath. I know he's contemplating whether to believe me or not and it makes me wonder how he answered my question.
"I love you too babe." I smile and picture his smile that meets his shining green eyes.
"I know McKnight." We talk for a few more hours about simple things. He lets me sleep at around 12 AM with one last I love you.

"You look so fucking stupid." I hear Andy exclaim pointing at Casper's newly died purple hair.
"True shit, Cas, you look horrible." Sav comments holding back laughter. "I mean everyone gets it, you're gay." By this point I'm die hard laughing at his hair and the comments my best friend and Sav are making.
"You look like a rejected OMG Girl."
"You look like you got kicked out of the fairy kingdom."
"You look like a unicorn pranked you."
"You look like-"
"Okay! I get it you guys hate it." Casper pouts a cute little pout which only makes me laugh even harder. "Nadia whatcha think?"
"It's fucking ridiculous." I manage to squeeze out through my chuckles. Wiping away a actual tear I walk up to my Fairy Ghost Friend and ruffle his hair. "Own it bitch." He breaks out in a thousand watt smile and hugs me.
"You just boosted his little head up." Andy comments watching Casper take selfies on his phone. I let out a groan when he actually does the duck lips. Is that still a thing? My eyes follow a slightly annoyed slightly amused Sav as she stalks up to Casper with mischief in her eyes.
With no warning she pounces on him and they start wrestling for his phone. But Gerald has the advantage seeing as he is six feet five inches compared to Sav's five feet two inches.
"You slút, give me the phone!" I hear her stretch out. Andy, being the horrible human that she is, is recording on her phone the pair actually wrestling.
"Over my gorgeous dead body!" Casper says pushing Sav off him him and standing up attempting to take more selfies. "Stop it bitch!" He screams holding his phone high enough that Sav can't reach. I die off of laughter as Sav latches herself on Casper's leg and try to climb up. "You're fucking crazy."
"Take another selfie, I dare you!" They stare into each other's eyes for at least fifteen seconds before being the daring bastard he is Casper snaps the picture. "I warned you."
The vibrating of my phone brings me back to reality and I turn away from the screen.
The scream heard from Casper voices exactly how I'm feeling on the inside.
Suddenly I'm all alone and I don't know how to feel. Angry? Hurt? Sad? Hate?
All those fall short and I just stare at the message on my screen.
That stupid ass good for nothing asshole!

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