13:"Faithful To Us"

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I literally have not seen nor spoken to Mark since I made out with him on my bed last year. That was the first time I'd cheated on Zane. Zane and Mark's "fight" was a ugly one and I never found it in myself to say anything else to Mark. I heard he had left shortly after Zane beat him up anyway.
So, what do you say to a guy that you once wanted to fuck silly and that resulted in you cheating on the love of your life? Nothing. You don't say anything.
Which is exactly why I take my own advice and walk away dragging my best friend with me. She doesn't protest but when I'm away from Mark she lets out a laugh.
"That's one way to handle the situation." She says between petty laughter. God, I hate her. And like a savior Damon comes and wraps his arm around her successfully shutting her up. "Hey baby." I fake a gag and go to find a burger to stuff in my mouth.
"That's real attractive Nadia." Cameron says from beside me and I glare at him. Why am I seeing everyone except Zane?
"Omg, Cam Bam this burger is fucking life!" I gush with a mouth full of burger.
"Wow, no wonder Zane loves you look how wide you can open your mouth. I think I'm falling in love." Cam winks and I swallow the food before replying.
"Fuck off Cam. I need to stuff my face."
"I can help with that." His eyes flicker to his crotch before going to my mouth then he smirks. A laugh slips out before I can contain it and Cam just smiles.
"You are the worst. I'm telling Zane." Chuckles still escape at his very lame pick up attempts even as he start to frown.
"Uh yeah. That's actually why I'm over here. Zane wants you. He said meet him at yall spot." I watch his eyes focus on his feet and my eyebrows furrow at his change in mood. He mumbles something that involves "deserves" and "fucked" but I brush it off.
"Okay, see yah lata Sexy." I wink and blow a kiss before walking to mine and Zane's spot.
It's a place that's far enough away from the party that we won't be bothered but close enough that we can still hear the music. I find him sitting close to the water looking down.
Moments like this is when I fall in love. The natural things, like that string of hair that always falls. And when he looks up to see me and his eyes gleam. The small smile that pulls at his lips.
The simple things. The things he don't notice but I do and it's like falling more and more in love. "Come here." His voice is gravely from lack of speaking so he clears his throat. I walk to him slowly taking him in. His white t shirt and khaki shorts with the bunch of pockets. He seems so perfect.
We sit in silence for a minute or two before my mind flashes to hours before and I have to bring up the topic that's nagging me.
"I saw Reena today." I wait for him to tense like he usually does when he's nervous and I look for a sign in his eyes that'll give anything away. When I get nothing I elaborate. "Did something happen between you two?" He looks at me like I've grown two heads and then places his hand on my forehead.
"You sick? Cause what I heard was you accusing me of fucking Regina."
"No that's not what I was doing. She was just talking like she knew something I didn't. About you." He tenses, slightly. Barely enough for me too notice but I do.
"She's just trying to get under your skin." He doesn't look in my eyes but instead over my shoulder. He's lying. Lying to me.
"Look I know I cheated on you and we took a break and I'll understand if you did something stupid but don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying to you. I love you. Even while we were on a break I was still faithful to us." He's looking me in my eyes now and I see that gleam.
"I love you too. I'm sorry for even asking." I cling to his shirt, cling to what remains of us. Cling to the part of me that wants to believe him.
"Let's get to the party. I want a dance." He pulls me up with him and we walk to the party. I try my hardest to ignore that nagging in my stomach telling me something is wrong. And once Zane smiles at me the nagging is gone.
I dance on Zane while he kiss on my neck and touches me. After about three dances and I'm in desperate need of hydration I excuse myself from Zane to find myself a water. "Best friend!" Andy squeals upon seeing me. She's leaning against the bar with something yellow in her hand. "Gosh, Damon is like a dog." A smirk with on her lips and her right eyebrow is arched.
"You fucked him? Here?"
"Not here silly. In the family bathrooms on the boardwalk."
"Gag me." I go to say more but something catches my eye. Its Zane having what seems to be a very heated discussion with Reena. She's smirking and I can't see his facial expression but from his posture I can tell he's angry. I leave my eyes on them watching him lean in to whisper something in her ear making her face drop. She lifts her hand to slap him but he grabs it and she yells something.
I start to storm over there until I see Mark go and stand next to Reena. He grabs her forcing her away from Zane and glares something fierce at my boyfriend. More words are said, nothing pleasant from what I can tell. Zane says one more thing to Reena before walking away, his eyes scanning the crowd. Without a doubt I know he's looking to see if I saw the interaction so I busy myself with my drink and hide behind Andy.
"What was that?" She asks her frown matching mine.
"I don't know but I plan on finding out."

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