30: "A perfect mess"

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Honestly Zane is capable of doing some pretty shitty things and by pretty shitty I mean totally shitty, but this is probably a new low even for him. We've only arrived three minutes ago and he's made three sexual jokes towards me and semi insulted Tayshawn.
"Do you even have a date? This is kind of a couple's thing." I squirm a little when Tayshawn squeezes my hip in a possessive manner.
"As a matter of fact I do. She went to the ladies room." I look to my best friend with a raised eyebrow and she just shrugs.
"Whatever. Let's go get our shoes love." I say to Tayshawn and he smirks at Zane before walking step in step with me. "Oookay. He was not supposed to be here. So we can leave if you want."
"Nah, I'm good. Are you though?" His hands find mine and he pulls me close to him.
"Yeah, he's just a ass for no reason. It pisses me off." Kissing my forehead Tay gets our shoes and we walk back towards the group. A girl has now joined and is clinging tightly to Zane in some unneeded possessive manner.
"So we all set?" I ask clapping my hands together.
"Yurp. I take bowl first!" Andy says excitement oozing out of her pores.
"Just to let you know I suck." I warn Tay and he chuckles kissing my temple.
"I'll help you out."

Fifteen minutes into the game and Zane is trying his damn hardest to make me jealous. No seriously he was fucking Katrina, his apparent girlfriend, with his mouth. I mean the amount of spit shared between the two is horrifying.
"Quick restroom break!" I excuse myself before I literally vomit. I'm glad the bathroom is empty because the amount of pee I let out is almost embarrassing. It's was one of those pees that you sit and think wow am I really still peeing and then thirty seconds later you're a damn I've been pent up. Yeah, thats pretty much how that went.
As if wanting to further my annoyance as soon as I'm exiting the bathroom Zane is standing there in his leather jacket wearing dark jean glory.
"What do you want McKnight?" I ask trying to get back to Tayshawn as fast as possible.
"Sorry about the whole Katrina thing earlier, couldn't keep my hands off of her." I roll my eyes as he further explains reasons why I can't stand his presence.
"You realize that guy out there is my boyfriend, right?" Zane nods but he had amusement written all over his face. "Yeah that means the amount of fucks I give about whatever you're trying to do is completely non exsistant."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeah." Leaving him to stand there with that dumb ass look on his face I glide over to my boyfriend.
"We're heading to Cici's I don't know about you guys but I'm in the mood for unlimited pizza." Damen says grabbing Andy by the waist.
"Oh goody! Pizza sounds great, right babes?" That's Katrina in her faux excited voice.
"Sure." The indifference in Zane's voice makes her smile faulted a bit. His eyes are to just in Tayshawn wrapping his arms around my waist.
Pulling me to him we give back our back to the lady before walking out to the car. "Meet you guys there?" Damen yells over to us.
"Right behind you."

"So Nadia I hear your the exgirlfriend?" Katrina says. For some odd reason we are the only two people at the table.
"Yeah?" It's not that I don't like her because I have no reason to I just have nothing to say to her. "I guess so."
"Y'know this is the first time Zane has taken me out and we've been hooking up for like a month. Is that, I don't know, like normal for him?"
"I wouldn't know he wasn't just with me for the sex." Okay so Maybe I'm being a little bitter but the girl is seriously annoying the fuck out of my soul. She looks offended and I honestly couldn't care less. "Look I'm going to be honest with you here." Only because I hate Zane with a passion hotter than hell. "He only brung you around here for one of two reasons. Either so he could see me while not being a fifth wheel or two to make me jealous."
"Well aren't you?" I look at her with a blank face. "Jealous?"
"You see who I came here with? Have you noticed how he treats me? Why should I be jealous?"
"Who's jealous?" Tay asks sliding in next to me.
"Apparently no one." Katrina says with a tight smile. Shortly after Tay comes the rest of the gang follows.
"Oh and Nadia?"
"What Zane?"
"Courtney says hey. Wants you to come see her sometime." The boyish innocence on his face makes my heart soften.
"Oh uh yeah. I definitely will."
"We're going back tomorrow to get the rest of our things. You should come." Then, that damn mischievous glint in his eye told me that this was competition. I turned my head to look at Tayshawn and he's staring right in Zane's green eyes. I've never those too brown eyes look so angry.
"Uh no thanks. I'll find my own time." Tay doesn't relax and Zane doesn't stop smirking. Andy looks at the three of us and is on the verge of a laugh attack until I send a glare her way.
"You guys are fucking hilarious." Damien comments. He, unlike Andy, just can't help himself.
"Shut up." Zane says to his best friend and Andy finally lets the laughter spill out.
"You shut up." Damen fires back.
"You guys are insufferable." I say joining in on the pointless laughter.

The date didn't go so bad after that little incident. It actually went well. Damen talked to Tayshawn and they actually hit it off despite Zane's obvious feel of betrayal. Katrina didn't really talk to anyone she just stayed glued to Zane's side. When we had our eating contest she didn't even participate. Tayshawn won though and it really is a wonder of how his body looks so damn good. The guy literally ate like twenty slices of pizza and some of those brownies.
"So how was it?"
"Wasn't all bad." Tayshawn admits grabbing my hand and leading me to his bed. "There is one thing I've been wanting to do though."
"Oh really?" I smile placing my arms on his shoulders. He pulls he close to him, brushing hair out my face.
"Really." Then, he closes the space between us by placing his lips on my own.
The kiss isn't soft like it usually is. It's possesive and I feel my toes curling in pleasure. We end up on the bed and our shirts are off and we're a mess, but I like it.
I find myself wishing it'll continue to be this way. Me and Tayshawn. A perfect mess. No mistrust, no pointless arguing just us. In our own bubble.
"I think I love you." Is the first thing he says when he pulls back. Looking into those too brown eyes I smile and peck his lips.
"I think I love you too."

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