24:"neon pink dildo"

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Zane always manages to come fuck shit up when I'm happy. I go on an amazing date with a amazing guy and am so quickly getting over the hurt of Zane. Then what does he do? He texts me to tell me that Regina's baby isn't his.
And what am I supposed to do with this information? Forgive him? Welcome him back in my life? Dismiss the whole thing?
That's all I can say to him. Just because he didn't get her pregnant doesn't override the fact that he had sex with her, raw.
"The baby isn't his Andy." I'm sitting on her bed, mind racing a mile a minute.
"That doesn't change anything Nadia. Just because he got a tad bit of luck doesn't change how much he fucked you over." I sigh because she's right. "He royally fúcked you over with a big neon pink dildo!" I laugh but understand her point Zane did hurt me in a unimaginable way. He betrayed my heart and my trust.
"He always fucking up my happiness." Anger surges through my blood. God, I hate him. "You know what? Nope. Not gonna let him ruin this mood. Ima take a shower and we're gonna watch American Horror Story and later ima cake with my potential boyfriend." I smirk feeling myself calm down.
Zane, not hearing my mini speech, texts me again.
Nadia, chill out. Take me back?
-The Ass Who Broke My Heart
I literally laugh out loud at the texts. It used to be that easy. When I was dumb and in high school looking for a love.
God Zane. GROW UP. it's not that easy anymore.
-My Cute Ass
Before I would've told him to come over and we would have fucked until early morning but not anymore. I'm not naive anymore, I'm not a little girl.
It is, your making it harder than it is.
-The Ass Who Broke My Heart

You fucked her...
-My Cute Ass

And I apologized,
- The Ass Who Broke My Heart

And I'll accept your apology but it changes shit. You fucked her. You had SEX with that bitch. in her bed without a condom. Your dick? Was in her stank pússŷ. So yes Zane I'll accept your halfassed, weak ass apology but it doesn't change the fact that you are a disgusting asshole who broke my fucking heart. Now get the fuck off my line.
- My Cute Ass

After that my phone goes on quiet mode and I finally get in the shower.
Thirty minutes into washing my ass, there's a bam! at the bathroom door. Then three more before I finally yell to Andy to come in.
"Nadia..." Except, it isn't Andy. Andy doesn't have the voice of a twenty one year old man. Heart sinking, I peek my head out the shower. Where the hell is my best friend?
"No!" I yell. "Get the fuck out!" Acting on impulse I throw Nair bottles, shampoo bottles, conditioner, body wash and even a whole bar of soap at the giant too tall asshole. He doesn't move, he actually smirks. He has the fucking nerve to smirk at me! I step out the shower and quickly wrap the towel around my body tightly. "How are you even here? Did you fucking fly?!"
"I texted you when I was a hour and a half away." He shrugs, eyes never leaving my cleavage. I hate how vulnerable I feel at this moment. So I do the only logical thing to do when feeling weak.
I punch him. In the face. Hard. Twice.
"You done?" He asks eyes darkening as he stares at my lips. Slowly he leans in and for two seconds I'm unsure of what to do. How to feel? But then Regina and a baby pops in my head and I move away and run out the bathroom.
"You can't kiss me!" I screech throwing my hands up. "This isn't high school. You don't pop up, say something cute, kiss me, fuck my brains out and we get back together. No Zane. I'm done. I am done!"
"And I'm not. I want you, okay? I want you now, dripping wet." When did he get so close? I can smell him, feel him. "I'll want you later, dripping with sweat." His hands are on my waist pulling my body flush against his. "The only thing stopping me right now..." He grips the bottom of the towel. "Is this tiny little towel." And it's off and I'm naked and still flush against him.
Pulling from his grip I grab my towel and wrap it back around me before storming to my dresser to find some clothes. "No, I'm not doing this with you. Congratulations on not being a father but I'm not doing this with you again!" Finding a pair of sweatpants and a tank top I turn away from him and pull on my clothing.
"Mhm. Keep talking." He says and I hear his footsteps getting closer.
"You know what I did tonight? I went on a date with Tayshawn. And it was amazing and I got covered in ice cream and I kissed him. And I liked it! And I like him. And... and I DON'T like you anymore."
"Yeah?" His indifference pisses me off. With a plan to slap him I spin around and he's right there. Two seconds away from kissing me. "What did I tell you Nadia? Only I can touch you like this." He repeated the line so perfectly. The same way he had all that time ago when Mark almost kissed me. "And only I can kiss you." He goes in for a kiss but I push him away.
"Not anymore! Not anymore. Please, don't. Don't fucking hurt me more than you already have." I'm begging by this point. "I don't like you anymore Zane. I hate you, okay? You hurt me."
"And what's different this time? If you haven't noticed we have the fucking cycle going. I hurt you. You hurt me. What's different?"
"I'm not a kid anymore Zane."
"Is it him?" My words fly right over his head. "Do you love him?"
"Not yet, but I will."
"Does he make you feel like I did? Does he bring out the reckless and confused side of you?"
"No he doesn't! But he makes me happy! And I feel confident giving him my heart. And I'm positive he won't hurt me the way you do! He's nice and sweet and he cares. Like genuinely cares about me. I'm more than sex to him. I'm dates and holding hands and winning teddy bears, I'm talking under the stars and food fights, Zane! And if you love me the way you claim you do then let me be happy! Please." I don't look at him, I can't. But something in me makes me and as soon as I do I wish I hadn't.
"Then, be happy Nadia. I'll see you around." And then he's gone and I don't break down and cry like expected. I crawl in my bed and phone Tayshawn despite the fact that it's one in the a.m.

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