12: "Reunion Night"

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I swear going to the mall you could basically feel the anticipating buzz on Stackz welcome home party. It seems like that's all anyone can talk about. Andy, Jo and I decided to hit the mall to waste some time while the boys worked their morning shifts. Jo just kind of trails along. She hasn't changed much since high school. She still acts like that shy, frail girl with the eating disorder. I'm aware that she's no longer that girl but I don't think she knows it. When she's with Jason she isn't this weak acting but without him she really just trails along mindlessly.
"Look who made it home for Stackz party." A voice I know too well comments. She takes my freshly cut hair between her fingers and shrug.
"You do realize that we're no longer in high school and hating me is really a thing of the past?" Reena glares at me then her eyes trail to Jo. She smirks before blowing her a kiss. Some people really don't grow up.
"Have you seen Zane since you've been back?" She ignores my comment carrying on with her pettiness. I will admit her tone peeks my curiosity that and the fact that she asks about him.
"Why?" I ask my nostrils flaring because she's officially succeeded in pissing me off.
"Oh you don't know? You will soon." She giggles and the temptation to smash in her face is so real. "See you tonight." Blowing a kiss she struts away smiling. That bitch. What did that even mean? What the hell don't I know?
"Calm down." Andy says planting a hand on my arm, in what's supposed to be a calming manner.
"You know something?" I ask Jo shaking off Andy's hand. Jo shakes her head. "I swear to God if you're lying to me..."
"Im not! I haven't talked to Regina since graduation day." I let out a frustrated sigh and force myself to calm down.
"Guess I'll have to wait till tonight."

This shit is insane! I've never seen so many people in one place, ever. I knew Dj was going to go all out for Stackz but there had to be at least five hundred people on the half of the beach that was reserved for the party. Huge speakers were everywhere and all I can hear is 2 Chainz swearing like a fucking sailor. There was five different grills going, a truck selling food, a ice cream cart and half naked girls carrying drinks. But the absolute best part was the huge bar that stretched out at least 8 feet long. Dj got a stage out here and dressed it up as a throne with Stackz up there getting his very own personal lap dance.
Once again this shit is insane. "Come on I need a drink." I yell to Andy. Her nails are digging in my skin as I pull her through the crowds of people.
At the bar I find the guy running it and order four shots of Skyy Vodka.
"This shit is hectic!" Andy said throwing back a shot and screwing up her face. "Who knows this many people anyway?" I laugh and my face screws up as I throw my second shot back.
"Stackz. I need to speak. But maybe later!" I grin when 2 Chainz Watch Out starts to blare in my ear.
"Pulled up in the phantom, pulled off with a dancer. Got a pocket full of money. Kinda hard to keep my pants up." Andy and I yell and mostly dance like fools, laughing and goofing off. When the hook came up we watched some guy (I'm 90% sure I made out with him once in high school) starts to throw money at some guy who is clearly upset.
"Watch out lil bitch." The guy smirks, pushing the other guy back. "Watch out lil bitch. You getting mad?" The guy laughed and Andy and I being the instigators we are yell the next part as Guy #1 throws money in Guy #2 face.
"I'm getting rich! You getting mad?And I'm getting rich!" The scene has me buckling over in laughter while Guy #2 just looks half ashamed. I can't believe he actually let that guy punk him in front of the at least thirty people watching. "Come on, let's say hey to Stackz." Andy nods and Guy #1 walks away with Guy #2 girl, which just added to the show. Daaamn!
"Well hey Rod." I greet Stackz using his government name, which he hates. Stackz, Rod, is at least six foot four inches of just muscle. His time inside only added to the muscles he had walking into prison.
"Lil Nadia?" He smirks looking me up and down.
"Been damn near four years, what's lil on me?" I tease and he finally stands up pulling me in his arms for a hug. "I drove all the way from Myrtle Beach to see you bitch!" I laugh and his hands make way to my thigh causing me to pull back. Stackz always has been a sneaky bastard.
"An the man!" He greets Andy causing her to grunt. She hates the nickname and he only calls her "An the Man" because she had a phase when it was strictly being one of the guys.
"And to think how many FreeMyNiggaStackz post I put on Twitter." She grumbles and he pulls her into a short hug. She put alot of those tweets by the way. Maybe a solid 70 give or take.
"We're going to enjoy the party but welcome home baby!" I whooped before jumping off the stage not so gracefully. "You'll always be An the Man to him." I laugh which earns me a punch in the arm. I laugh even harder when push her and she stumbles into some girl.
"Watch it." The voice meets my ear and I whip my head around to see Brittany standing there with her ass out dress and too high heels. Who wears heels to a beach party?
"On hey girls. Look who made it home." Her smirk is wicked and so is mine when I'm shoot my reply.
"You bitches must've missed us."
"Ain't it though?" My best friend chimes in with a smile.
"They love us 'round here."
"Don't flatter yourself." She says before trying to walk away, being in too high inch heels she trips over a drunken dancer and face plants the sand. Dumb bitch.
"Nadia?" A male voice says behind me. When I whip around I feel all the color leaves my face. Well, it must be reunion night.

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