19:"step mommy"

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Six more months and you can call yourself step mommy! And in case you don't believe me. Peep the pictures boo

I've read the message at least one hundred times since I received it two hours ago. The first picture was of her and Zane kissing on her bed, his pants were half off and she only had on underwear. Who the hell even took that? The second was of her pregnancy test and the third was a ultrasound. That bitch has a baby that's half her and half the man I love inside of her!
I haven't cried, and I haven't flipped shit. I'm still unsure whether it's a really good or a really bad thing.
Six more months and you can call yourself step mommy! And in case you don't believe me. Peep the pictures boo
Fuck, why can't I stop reading the fucking message? Finally I scream. I scream and I scream and my throat is dry and my eyes burn. Good thing I'm in my car or else that would've been embarrassing. Where the hell am I even going? I've been driving for an hour and I don't know where to go. Usually when I'm feeling like this I find comfort in Zane's arms but....but now what?
That stupid worthless sack of shit!
I hate him.
I hate him more than I've hated anything in my fucking life! I pull over when my vision gets blurry and punch the steering wheel.
"I." Punch. "Fucking." Punch. "Hate." Punch. "Him!" Punch, punch, punch. I've never been betrayed this way. Not in a way that I can't cry and I can't feel angry because I'm numb and I'm empty because that asshole ripped out my fucking heart.
"Are you okay? I've been calling you for thirty minutes! Come home Nadia." A worried best friend says on the other end of the line.
"Get dressed we're going to make a house visit." I hang up and throw my phone in the other chair. For a moment I want to dial up Zane and tear him a new one. But some things you have to say in person.
I make it back to the dorm and text Andy to tell her to come downstairs. When she comes into view I see another short figure next to her. "I've never been to Myrtle Beach before." Sav says almost out of breath. I don't reply, I can't talk.
I'm scared if I talk that I'll feel the pain. I'd do anything to not feel the pain. I never want to feel my heart break.

The ride is silent except the low music filling my ears. "What if it isn't his baby?"
"Don't." I say to Sav. Who the fuck invited her nosey ass anway? "I know alot about alot, okay?" She nods her head and goes back to staring out the window.
It's four in the afternoon when we pull up to Zane's house. My legs shake with nerves and I have no idea what I'm doing.
"Alright, that asshole hurt you for the last fucking time. Lets go." Andy finally expresses her anger and jumps out my car. "Let's fucking go Nadia!" She growls and I jump out the same time Sav does. Andy bangs on the door and it opens to reveal a half sleep Damen.
"Hey baby." She says and push him out the way. "Where is he?! Where the fuck is that cheating asshole?!" I don't talk but instead head straight for his room. My mind races a mile a minute and I'm standing on the side of his door but I don't open it, I don't knock. "Get your ass out here Zane!" I hear Andy and when I place my hand on the doorknob it flings open.
"Nadia..." He smiles for a second before frowning at my expression.
Without thinking I cock my hand back and the sting that goes through my palm mixed with the smack that sounded makes me realize how pissed I am.
"You backstabbing piece of absolute fucking shit." The words taste like poison in my mouth. "When were you going to tell me?" Taking me completely by surprise Zane grabs my wrist and pulls me in his room slamming the door behind us. "When Zane?!" I know I'm screaming but I can't help it. I'm fucking furious. "You told me that I had nothing to worry about! You told me...oh my god!" Red clouds my vision and when he reaches touch me I jump back. "Don't! Don't you fucking touch me. You don't deserve to touch me after you had your dîck in that bitch. Raw! You fucking fucked her without a condom!?" I'm still yelling and I can't even ugh!
"What are you talking about?" That, those five simple words, sets me off. I stalk up to him and slap him again welcoming the sting. Then I push him with all my might until he hits his dresser.
"I'm talking about the fact that you, the only man I have ever loved in my life, fucked Regina! You had sex with her and you got her pregnant!" His eyes go wide.
"No!" I push him again when he comes back towards me. "You can't call me that, don't you get it?! You fuckíng betrayed me! You ripped my heart out, Zane I can barely fuckíng breath right now! Two nights ago you told me you wanted to marry me! You said we were forever! You said you fucking loved me! You never loved me. You...oh my god!" My breathing is ragged and I'm pulling at my short hair.
"We weren't together at the time. I was mad about Tayshawn. I didn't mean too."
"You dirty fucking díck! I let you fúck me after you'd been in her, RAW." Oh GOD I think I'm going to throw up. "When I asked you at the beach at Stackz party you said I was crazy."
"I hadn't known at that point."
"You lied, you lied to me! Zane, I..." Words fall short.
"Nadia baby listen."
"To what? You'll tell me it was a mistake." My voice is a whisper but I refuse to cry. Not now. "You'll say you're sorry. It'll never happen again. And Zane that use to work. When I was in high school and I thought you were the only guy that would love me for my flaws." I take a deep breath and walk towards his door. "You've lost me for good this time. I hate you." Then, I walk out and run straight to my car. Andy and Sav follow soon after.
Next stop, Regina's.
"You aren't seriously gonna beat up a pregnant person?" Sav ask frantically as we pull up to Regina's crummy apartment building.
"Can't take the heat, turn on the AC." I say although I'm sure that's not the expression.
"Look Sav, you're either all in or not in at all." Andy says getting out the car. I follow feeling a hell of a lot calmer than I did at Zane's. I expected Regina to try to fuck Zane but trusted that he wouldn't. Trust is such a fickle thing.
"See you got my text?" She smirks and I mush her head pushing her into the apartment. Andy closes the door behinds us and stands at it watching. I look at her little baby bump and the hate that pulses through me causes me to actually take a step back. "Came here to fight me? Surely you won't hit a pregnant person?" A baby Zane is in there. The blood rushing through my ears sound so much louder now. Cocking my fist back I land a punch straight to her jaw.
"Is there a baby in your fucking face?" I smile and punch her again. Then grabbing her hair I force her down on the couch. "I could kill you and your baby right now and not feel an ounce of guilt." I say the venom in my words making her flinch. "I wouldn't even blink twice before snapping your neck. You are a worthless two bit whorê." Fear hides in her big eyes and I grin a evil one.
"You've been hell bent on making my life miserable since we fell out in high school. And well now you've taken the one guy I found happiness in." I take my hand and wrap it around her throat but I don't squeeze. "But you know what? Me killing you would only get you the easy way out. You hate yourself. And after popping out this baby that Zane won't give a fúck about you'll only hate yourself more. And every day you'll be forced to get up and look at yourself in the mirror. And every day you'll think about my exact words here and now and hate yourself even more." I drop my head and go towards the door but stop as my hand grabs the doorknob. "You're pathetic." Satisfaction touches me when I see the tears well up in her eyes.

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