4: "A nun, a prostitute and Lil Wayne."

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"Dream girl?" Brian asked cutting of my laughing at a very funny joke Gerald had told. Something involving a nun, a prostitute and Lil Wayne. Gerald is actually a very cool human, with his soft gray eyes and blonde hair. He's a little on the pale side so my drunken alter ego decided we'll call him Casper all night.
"Brian." I smile giving him a once over.
"Andy!" My best friend introduces herself in a loud manner, although because of the beer on her tongue is sounds like Ashdaay. Which according to Drunken Nadia is just hilarious.
"Excuse her. She's a horrible drunk." As I said that I stumble right into the arms of Brian. "Apparently so am I." My eyebrows scrunch together as I hold back laughter.
"And I never got a name from you." His voice sends a light feeling to my stomach.
"Nadia." Noticing I'm still in his arms I cleared my throat and straightened myself out.
"Oooo I'm telling!" Andy exclaims.
"Go drink bitch." I laugh pushing Andy out of my way. Shaking my head as she danced towards the hydration station. The hangover she's going to have. "So Brian, you enjoying this party?" As if he doesn't know this was a party I gesture my arm around the house.
"Loving it." His words obviously holds double meaning because his eyes trail up and down my legs. When he rolls his bottom lip in his mouth I get the urge to kiss him. Bad Nadia!
"You should really stop doing that." Nevermind that I just took a sip of beer my throat still sounds dry. He release his lip with a smirk. When he leans towards my ear I hold my breath and squeezed the red solo cup harder than I should be. The urge to touch him is damn near overwhelming me. God, I'm seriously sex deprived!
"It was nice seeing you Nadia." Then, he was gone swallowed by the sea of people. And me? I was left breathless from the exchange in which nothing actually happened. What in the actual fuck?

Yeah that's what you do Nadia. You drink and throw up and drink some more. You wake up with a hangover the size of Europe and your head pounding harder than two midgets getting nasty. And midgets pound....hard!
The internal ranting only makes my head hurt even worse. But Nadia Jenkins is a thug so with a deep breath I throw back three Ibuprofen and storm to the bathroom.
"Stop fucking breathing!" Andy grumbles and I open the bathroom door just to slam it back. "I'll fucking kill you, shit face."
"Says the one shit faced!" I laugh at my clever use of words and proceed to make myself people presentable. "Going to the cafe? Want anything on my way to class?"
"A God to take away my pain." Andy cried into the pillow. Weakling. I laugh loudly and purposely slam the door. And ran right into the back of some asshole. "Oi! Asshole."
"You stalking me?" Unbelievable, it really is asshole.
"No, I wish you'd just drop." I huff walking towards the cafe.
"I wish you'd drop your underwear but we don't always get what we want." With a shrug and that wayyy overused smirk he starts walking in synch with me.
"Why are you walking with me?"
"All part of my master plan Nadia." His tone is smug as he knows my name and I have no idea his.
"You are stalking me." I reply flatly after thinking it through.
"Like corn baby." He laughs like he had just said the funniest thing in the world.
"What plan?" My mind just registered his words. All part of my master plan. That smug little bastard.
"In due time, all will be revealed." He slung his arm around my shoulder and it automatically gets hot.
"Don't touch me." I say trying to sound threatening but Stalker Asshole just laugh, again.
"When I'm done, you'll be begging for the exact opposite." Confident, stupid, hot, stalking stranger. He trail his hands down stopping at my waist and my breath hitched. We both had stopped walking and are just looking at each other.
"Tayshawn Carter." He say simply like his touch isn't burning my skin. I was either really sex deprived, desperate or Tayshawn was just incredibly good at being an asshole.
"Tayshawn, get your hands off of me or I'll see to it my boyfriend rearrange your whole fucking face." I force out and my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. Perfect timing. "Hey baby." I purr into the phone and Tayshawn carefully removes his hand and starts to walk away, but not before blowing me a kiss.

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