17:"Code Red!"

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Dumbass. Is the only thing running through my mind as Tayshawn pull up to the small building named Big Bro's Barber. He laughs when he catches the incredulous expression on my face. "Why are we here?" I cross my arms going for the "I have a slight attitude" look but it seems to roll right of off Tayshawn's back.
"To get my hair cut, dumbass." I roll my eyes not moving from my spot on the passenger seat. "Come on." He invites. Noticing that I'm not moving he shrugs and closes the door. For a moment I think he's going to come around and force me out but then the car chirps and I realize that he locked me in.
What an asshole! The car quickly heats up making me jump out and make way to the barber shop.
"Holy shit! Code Red!" One guy calls out soon as he sees me. Immediately all eyes are on me. In a split second there's a uproar in the barber shop.
"Chill!" That's Tayshawn. "She's with me." Now all eyes are on him like he's crazy.
"You brung one of them here!?" Some short guy with long dreads asks with wide almost scared hazel eyes. I still stand awkwardly by the glass door my hands behind my back.
"Tay you dumb sack of absolute shit." Another guy says. He's older than the rest and his hands are holding a pair of scissors. I wonder if he's thinking about cutting me.
"To bring a female in the only place I can be free." This guy is sitting getting his hair cut.
It finally hits me why they're freaking out and I laugh. Like die hard, stomach hurting laughter. "You guys..." the words come out loudly through my laughter. "Are fucking hilarious." I finally get out. "Oh no don't mind the vagina. Just pretend I'm not here." I state still chuckling.
And the idiots go right back to what they were doing before I walked in. Pretending I'm not here.
"Sherry had a ass like WOW! Nearly had me busting in my jeans." Guys are pigs.
"Now you know..."
"Forreal! Took that ass right in the back of my truck." I try not to laugh but its hard, these guys don't know what not to say.
"Aye Tay, ain't you fúck Sherry?"
"Fucked? I destroyed!"
"Keep yo head still boy." The older guy from earlier scolds him. Tayshawn's eyes catch mine and he winks. Dumbass.

"How it look?" Tayshawn asks slight worry in his eyes. He had cut his hair down, military style.
"Cute. You look cute." I admit and he lets out a breath. "Where to next?" I ask strapping my seat belt on.
"To this tux fitting." My eyebrows furrow.
"There's a stupid ass wedding." He grumbles like a child. "Then we're going to a party."
"I'm not even party dressed!" I'm really not, I got on boyfriend jeans and a plan white shirt with my white Converse.
"You look beautiful." My heart fucking flutters. This being the first time he gave me a actual compliment. Usually I'm just sexy but he said beautiful and it feels...nice.
"Has the wooing started before we're officially friends?" I tease. He doesn't answer but turns up the music with a sly smirk.

I try really really(and just in case you don't understand how hard I try I'll add) really hard not to drop my jaw. But it drops anyway. The second Tayshawn steps up to me in his drool worthy tuxedo with that amazing powder blue tie. He looks handsome, like really handsome. Like God took his slow and precious time with this one. "I'm taking this whole thing as something good?" He makes hand gestures towards my slightly dropped jaw and smiles. A real smile, a heartwarming smile.
"Shut up. But you really do look handsome." I watch as his eyes brighten and I just roll my own. Does my approval even matter? He disappears back into the room to change back into his casual clothes. I drop my head in my hands a slow feeling of dread settling on my stomach.
What are you doing Nadia? Why are you at a stupid tux fitting with a hot guy who "wants" you? Why are you so stupid? I let out a groan and slap my forehead.
"Did I seriously look that good?" I hear a masculine voice and I give him the usual roll of the ol eyeballs.
"Shut up."
"You say it so much. One day I just might." I doubt it. "Ready for a party?" My head shakes wildly but Tayshawn being Tayshawn naturally doesn't give a fuck. "Too bad."

He continues to surprise me. When Tayshawn mentioned party I thought of young adults, revealing clothing, alcohol and all kinds of sex. Not the case. I actually let out laugh when he pulled up at Chuck-E-Cheese.
"Really?" He laughs at my face. I was actually fixing my face on the way to this "party".
"It's two in the afternoon what kind of party you thought it was?" I shrug realizing he has a point. "It's my niece birthday. I told her I'd come for cake."
"I love cake!" I grin a cheesy one and hop out the car.
After getting our hands stamped Tayshawn leads me through the dozens of kids until we're on the side reserved for his niece party.
"Uncle TayTay!" The adorable girl squeals running over to grab onto his legs. I stand behind him watching how his face lights up. "Who that?" The girl asks pointing to me with a shy smile.
"This, Iyana, is Nadia. My friend." Iyana pats her uncle back and I think it was to signal him to put her down because that's what he did. Her princess dress drags behind as she walks over to me then beckons me to bend down.
"Uncle TayTay like you." She whispers then giggles running away. Tayshawn just shakes his head slightly.
I meet some of his family and they all act and look the same. Loud, gorgeous with absolutely no chill. His mom talked my head off about her "no good ass son" for at least twenty minutes before said son took me away. Right to his three sisters, they were cool a little quieter than I expected but they're chill button was also nonexistent.
"Cake fight!" Tayshawn yells interrupting me from talking to Tessa, Iyana's mom. I hear her mutter a 'oh god' before launching right into attack mode. Totally unaware of what was really going to happen I'm the first to get pelted with cake. The cake that starts everything off.
Hours and too much wasted cake later we leave Chuck-E-Cheese both covered in chocolate cake and multicolored icing.
"One last stop. Okay?" I take a peek at the time, only six o'clock.

The Bad Girl Goes To CollegeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora