Better grades!

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having good grades helps you in so many ways! good grades help show parents how responsible you can be, and can open up new rights for you, such as more time on your phone, or an extended curfew!

- study, study, study!
yes, studying is boring, but it helps!

-use flash cards
if you don't want to do it manually, you can go to quizlet, where you can create your own, or practice other ones made by other people, which might help!

-do whatever it takes to help you remember.
highlight important info, take extra notes in class, and pay attention! paying attention isn't hard, but I suggest you ask the teacher to move to the front, or away from the window/door, so you don't get distracted! teachers will almost always be cooperative if it helps you learn!

-be organized!
have your papers when you need them. use folders for less important classes, and separate it from the homework, and binders help!

-don't stress.
if you aren't starting out with good grades, don't get too worked up! just keep trying, and maybe change your study habits up, or ask a teacher about extra credit or anything else that could help! some teachers might recommend websites or videos that show the lesson from a different view!

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