Dealing With a c n e

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most of us can relate to the stupid little dots that have marked their territory on our faces and bodies.

here's how to deal with those little shits:

by the time you see a zit, the excess oil is already clogging the pore. this is how acne appears! just remember, rubbing and scrubbing does not help get the oil out! it only irritates it more, and can damage the skin around it, making it more noticeable.

the best time to treat acne is before it starts. I know, I know, not all of us are Time Lords. We can't exactly predict it. however, we can prevent it! always use a mild cleanser, which helps remove and tackle unnecessary oil!

💇🏽keep your hair out!➘
if you have acne on your forehead, eyebrows, or nose, it is often because of the oils from your hair falling onto your face. when you sleep, pull your hair into a ponytail. headbands are also helpful to keep your hair from spreading its oil to your face!

blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples on your jawline are often visible to you, but even more so to others, without proper care. prevent them by spreading the lotion on every bit of your face, including your jawline, and by your ears.


(I will spare you guys from the Cassandra joke.) moisturizing your skin is not the same as having oil! it keeps the skin flexible and soft, and helps protect the pores, keeping them from closing.

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