how to pick the perfect pet

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>Think based on what you desire.

An animal that you're interested in. Do you like small, easy to care for pets, or larger pets? Once you think about a certain pet, pick a breed. Pick a breed based on your lifestyle & if they're easy to care for. Each breed has it's own personality.

>Think about if you have a price range.

Know how much the shelter, food, and water will cost. Also find out what additional care the animal needs, and the shelter it would require.

>The type of shelter might depend.

If it goes outdoors, will it run away? Will it have enough room? Use the same method for indoors. Do they have space to wander and roam? Are they crowded? Make sure it has room to be comforted, and that you can also find it easily in case.

>At last, go research it.

Find out how easy it is to train, and how long the animal will live for. If you're planning on getting a fish, find out if it needs other fish as friends. Make sure they blend, and don't fight. Ask the pet store fish selection owner to see if it would be better with other fishes, or alone.

>Keep in mind that these are living creatures.

Never neglect them, and always put them first. If you do, I will find you and take your pet.

>Some good pets are;

-freshwater/saltwater fish



-hamsters/guinea pigs


qotd: Do you have any pets?

aotd: yep! 

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