mall scavenger hunt

605 14 8

For this activity, you'll need a phone or a camera. This activity is fun for slumber parties, or just get-togethers with friends! Split up into teams and have some fun!


💘✧Find and take a picture of...

-A person with more than 5 bags.

-Something on sale for $9.99

-2 for 1 sale sign

-A photo booth

- A kiddie ride

-a purple shopping bag

-something under a dollar

-a water fountain

-a place to buy pretzels

-a "buy one get one free" sign

-a video surveillance camera

-an exit sign

- a coin on the ground

-pink shoes

-a ketchup packet

-a perfume sample

-a pic of you(and friends if you'd like) posing dramatically next to mannequins


👾✧The Winners!

First team to find and take pictures of everything on the list wins! Make sure you text the other team(s) that you're done. Then, meet up and look at eachother's pictures.


qotp: comment your name backwards

aotp: eelyk

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