My favorite songs a-z

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arabella - Arctic Monkeys

bleeding out - Imagine Dragons

can't help falling in love - Elvis

dirty paws - Of Monsters and Men

exorcism - Clarity

feel the love - Rudimental ft. John Newman

glowing eyes - twenty one pilots

house of memories - Panic! At the disco

it's time - Imagine Dragons

Judge - twenty one pilots

king and lionheart - Of Monsters and Men

Love love love - Of Monsters and Men  OR  Little lion man - Mumford & Sons (close tie)

Memory - Undertale Soundtrack

New Perspective - panic! at the disco

Oh no - Marina and the Diamonds

Pity Party - Melanie Martinez

Queen Bitch - David Bowie

River - Bishop

Save Me - Nicki Minaj

Trees - Twenty One Pilots

U and ur hand - Pink

Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance

War of Hearts - Ruelle

XO - Beyonce

Your Bones - Of Monsters and Men

Z - (I give up what song starts with z?)


qotp: what hogwarts house are you from?

aotp: ravenclaw

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