Chit [To Know You]

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Song: Riptide by Vance Joy up there.  

Chit [To Know You]

Hey Megan,

When I saw you run away I was very surprised because I never thought you would ever be the one to run away. I don't mind though because it made me realize there's so much to you that I don't know of but I'd like to know. I'd like to know your favourite colour, the type of music you listen to, whether you prefer orange or apple juice, maybe you like mixed juice? I'd like to know you and somewhere along the way, maybe you could have seen me differently too.

I wonder if you ran away because you saw me and hated me too much to encounter me. That wouldn't be shocking because people generally dislike me. I think it must have been the case. I don't want to come across as a stalker, this was never meant to be a long-term thing, this was supposed to start and end with the thank-you note. I carried it too far. So, I'm ending it now because I could see you'd prefer to rather not look at me.

I really like you and that's why I respect your opinion and choice.

It's been nice. This talking to you if we can call it that.

-I don't know what to sign myself as.

[hey you all.

hope you liked this chapter or rather this chit. i know i'm not giving much info at the moment but that's how reading this will be a good experience. when talks and texts started it too was just a bunch of texts with a sprinkling of talks but slowly everything gelled together and you could see the bigger picture. expect the same from this. in my stories, things take time, there are sub-plots and character histories and i'm sure you like it better that way too. i mean, who likes to read a story where you come to know everything from chapter 1?

so stay tuned, there's lots to come and i'll make sure it was all worth it ^_^

and now, what do you have to say about the contents of this chit, i mean, HE CAN'T JUST STOP WRITING THESE CUTESIES!! vote+comment and let me know your thoughts.

ilyall so much thank you for being so supportive <3

p.s. in regard to the one-shot competition i'm still not done with reading all the entries so give me sometime. i have a shitload of assignments coming up but i'll try to give out the results asap.]

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