Chat [ohmygodwouldyouliketo]

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Song: Kinda, Sorta, Maybe, Baby by Sleepwell Darling (a.k.a #congan's song*)

Pic: of Connor yasss

Chat [ohmygodwouldyouliketo]

"Y-you know me," Connor grinned awkwardly. "That's surprising."

"You're a regular pain in the ass. Of course I know you," Megan rolled her eyes.

He leaned over the counter slightly, taking the box and whispering, "Your name is Margaret?"

Megan scowled, "Yeah, right. I was just kidding when I told everyone at school that I'm Megan. Of course not. Mrs. Braganza likes to irritate me by forgetting my name and calling me by any name starting with the letter M."

"Have you tried telling her that you're Megan?" Connor couldn't believe Megan was actually talking to him. 4 sentences? That was the longest they had ever talked!

"Oh why didn't that great unique idea strike me?" she turned away.

"Its my sister's birthday," he said, excitedly.

"I'm not interested in talking to you," she gave him a look and disappeared into the kitchen.

He stared after her, a frown in his face. Pulling his beanie, he ignored Mrs. Braganza's pitying stare and walked out. The door opened behind him within seconds and he turned around instinctively at the sound.

Megan stood there in her apron.

"Yes?" he asked.

She looked away and replied, "I'm sorry. That was really rude of me. I've been having a really bad day. I regretted it the moment I said it. Say happy birthday to your sister from my side, please? And umm this is for her?" She pushed a small box in his hand. "It's a cupcake. I baked it. Its for her so if you eat it, I'm going to kill you."

She finally looked up at him, expectantly.

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish before finally managing "T-thanks. I would have invited you but I don't really know if its polite. Anyway I couldn't because well because youwouldn'tlikeitatmyplace and just ohmygod wouldyouliketo-not, of course. Thank you." He ran away the minute his legs would obey him leaving a very confused Megan behind.

She looked at his retreating form and frowned not having understood anything he had said. There was something really wrong with this guy. Shaking her head, she went back to work.

[did anyone miss me? no? okay T_T i was on this last minute decided mini trip to a cousin's place. long story short, i had fun, now i'm back, missed you guys, have to catch up on college. thank you so much for being patient (unless you forgot me then no thanks :P). updates will be every 2-3 days now yayyyy!

shipcount (as decided by last chapter's inline comments//may change depending on you guys):

#congan: 14 ,#marley: 4, #carley (ahahahahah yasss): 2, #jacessica: everyone, charley XD: 2, zaronaldo (me+ronaldo): 1 (my vote) XD

things are heating up in shipland, huh?

cast is now up! do have a look at it. please remember that the characters are not really the actors and vice-versa. the cast is there to help people put a face to a character if the want. personally i prefer to imagine them as i want in my head but i know that readers love casts too.

so yeah, vote+comment, ilyallsosomuch <3

side-note: a few of you asked me who connor is in the last chapter and iloveyouguys and so i need to be honest with you all-you have to treat this book as T&T's sequel. you cannot just forget the characters from there. i can explain (as i did to a couple of people) that connor is that dude from T&T who stole jessica's project and who calls jacob his bff (REMEMBER? REMEMBER?) but connor is so much more than that and if anyone cannot remember him i would suggest you go back to T&T because he's a character i've paid attention to there and it breaks my heart to know that someone just glossed over him like that. i am calmer now regarding this but i was livid before #hyperprotectivezak/#dramaqueenzak]

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