Talk [Something to Say]

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To all those who said they're here till the end and beyond; thank you, it means a lot, this is for you.

Talk [Something to Say]

They stood facing each other, Megan and Connor; she heaving slightly after probably having run across the school and he holding his breath unconsciously, mind too high-strung to allow him to speak.

She was the first to speak, "I read your chits--er-notes."

"Okay," he said, waiting for her.

"And I want to tell you that it doesn't matter."


"Just hear me out, please?" she said, softly. "I had lots of time to think these past few days and I thought about it, about us, about me, about you a lot and I think that if you had never written those notes to me, we would have still reached this moment anyway."

He could hear his blood thundering in his ears as he concentrated on her words. What was she saying?

"What you wrote was wonderful and it made me see myself in a new light. I think you're wrong, by the way-"

"I am?" he asked.

"Yeah, in thinking of me as some sort of perfection. I'm not and you should have never treated me like that. I'm usually indifferent and rude but that's not the real me either. It's a part of me though. I just am like that. I don't make friends easily because I'm scared of being left behind when they leave me. But I liked being told that someone really liked me and so I dared to like him back." She looked at him with a smile, "We all know how that turned out."

Connor gave a half-shrug, "It wasn't all your fault." He closed the distance between them, "I've had some time to think too, you know? And I realized that I couldn't blame you for my cowardice. Besides, I wasn't that likeable to begin with. I did crazy stuff to get your attention like copying off Jessica's assignment that one time."

"You did that to get my attention!? We were so angry, you idiot," she didn't know whether to scream or laugh.

"I was desperate and well, idiotic," he laughed weakly.

Megan admitted, "I did dislike you in a very offhand sort of way."

"I did love you in a very intense sort of way," he admitted.

She blushed deeply, colour spreading across her cheeks, "I got that memo kind of late."

"It got lost in the mail," he joked. "The sender wasn't very good with signing off stuff."

"That's kind of my point," she said. "I want to let you know. If I had never read those notes, if I had never found out that it was you who wrote, I would still have found myself telling you that I really like you."

"You what!?" he gasped.

"I love working at the bakery with you. I love hearing you talk. I love the way you fix your beanie when you're nervous and all cute. I love the way your eyes shine in the sunlight. I love your laugh. I love to make you smile. Knowing you has been one of the best things of my life and if knowing you was to happen only through all of this mess, I'd go through it all over again because're worth it all."


"Its true. Maybe I wouldn't have admitted it to you or myself anytime soon but I take the blame for that. I am not very great in that department. After all, I did ask out the guy I used to despise in front of the whole school just because I thought he was my secret admirer," she rolled her eyes.

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