Chapter 1

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"Jasmine!" called Terrell from the living room.

I groggily got out of bed and groaned.

"What?" i asked. I knew i had made a mistake.

"Excuse me? Did you just say what? I've already talked to you about this. You say yes, not what," he said.

I was glad he wasn't in the room because if he had saw me roll my eyes just now, he would've went crazy.

"Now let's try this again," he said, "Jasmine!"

"Yes Terrell," i replied. He sighed loudly.

"How many times have i told you not to call me by my name? You call me sir or baby," he said, "does a few hours of sleep make you forget everything?"

"No, baby. I'm sorry," i said expressionless.

"Alright, one more time. Jasmine!" he said.

"Yes, baby?" i asked.

"Come in here. I don't want to talk to you this way," he said.

I stood up, slipped on my black robe over my pajama bottoms and t-shirt and entered the living room in our big apartment. Terrell was standing near the door, smoking his weed as usual. I stood in front of him and looked him in the face, not daring to look anywhere else.

"I'm going to work. What time is it now? 8am? 9am? Well, I probably won't be home until 9pm. If you're going anywhere, you better be home before me," he said sternly.

"Yes sir," i said.

He kissed my lips and left.

I immediately wiped my lips. I hated it when he kissed me. There was a time when i actually did like when he kissed me. That was three years ago when we had first met at college. He used to be so different. But once he began to control and abuse me, i started to hate any contact with him.

I felt trapped and i wished i could break up with him. But it is impossible. I remember i tried once and he beat me senseless. And when he proposed to me...oh that was awful. I wanted to say no but i knew if i didn't, he'd force me. I had no choice. I was and still am his puppet. I probably always will be.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of black tea (with extra sugar). I returned to the living room, sat down on the black couch and turned on the tv to Criminal Minds. This is exactly how i loved spending my Saturday mornings.

I didn't have a job. Mainly because Terrell won't let me get one. He's the one who makes the money, although i don't know how he makes it. Instead, i stayed at home most of the time and made my own music. I've always loved music. Even when i was a baby. My mom said when i was only a year old, i would play with the piano and try to play things.

The instruments i mostly played were the trumpet, clarinet, oboe and sometimes the flute. I knew how to play the piano but Terrell wouldn't let me get one. He says it makes too much noise and it's too big.

I also liked to go online and fill out applications for becoming a conductor or composer. I wanted to do both though. That was my dream. To be a conductor or composer in something big. Like a orchestra or something.

Recently, i had saw one online about a composer being needed for a upcoming Tim Burton movie. I had always been a huge fan of him and his movies. If i got this job, i would be the happiest girl in the world. Well, woman. I'm 23, almost 24. But that's not too old to make your dreams come true. Right?

But getting that job probably wasn't likely. I'm pretty sure hundreds or even thousands of other people applied for that job. What are the odds?

Suddenly, i heard crying. I knew who it was. I stood up and walked down the hallway to the room across from my room. I opened the door. And there he was. The thing besides music that made my life worth living. My baby, Georgie, standing up in his crib crying.

Me and Terrell had him 9 months ago.

"Someone missed their mommy," i said with a smile.

I picked him up and wiped his tears away. He stopped crying.

"Who missed mommy? Who missed mommy?" i asked while tickling him. He laughed and wiggled around. "Are you hungry?" i asked him.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Fommadf," he said.

I guess that was his way of saying food. He hasn't really said real words yet. But he's come close to it.

"Alright, let's get you something to eat," i said. I walked to the kitchen with him in my arms. I sat him in his high chair, put on his bib and took out some strawberry banana baby food. I took out a spoon and began to feed him. He ate quicky. He must have been really hungry. I thought i told--i mean asked Terrell to feed him last night when i was writing a new song. I guess he ignored me. He didn't seem too fond of Georgie. He doesn't even believe he's his baby. That's just sad.

After feeding him, i gave him a cup of water. As he gulped it down, i heard my phone ring. I looked at the number. I didn't know it.

"Who the hell is this?" i said to myself. Should i answer it or leave it? At first, i was going to ignore it. But something in my head told me to answer it. So i did.

"Hello?" i said shyly into the phone.

"Hi. May i speak to Jasmine Merdita?" asked a male voice. Something about it was familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it though.

"This is she," i said.

"Hi Jasmine. My name is Tim," said Tim.

I felt my heart leap. No way. It couldn't be him. Not possible.

"As in Tim Burton?" i asked.

"Yes, i'm Tim Burton," he said.

I felt faint. I needed to sit down. I sat down on a wooden chair near Georgie who was playing with the empty cup.

" this a joke?" i asked.

"I can assure you this isn't a joke. Earlier this week i got a application from you about you wanting to compose a score for my movie. I think you will be a great fit for the job," he said.

My body felt weak. This is crazy.

"Hello? Are you still there?" he asked. I had been quiet for too long.

"Yes! I'm still here," i said.

"So...what do you say Jasmine?" he asked.

"Yes! Yes! One million times yes!" i yelled a little too loud.

He laughed.

"I'm glad you're excited. Where do you live?" he asked.

" Los Angeles," i said.

"That's perfect because that's where the studio is. Do you think you could come by on Monday?" he asked.

"Of course! What time?" i asked.

"I'll send you a email full of everything you need to know," he said, "i look forward to seeing you."

"Me too! Thanks so much! Bye!" i hanged up my phone and squealed.

I can't believe this! I'm composing a musical score for a movie! Oh my god!!!

I picked up Georgie and began to dance around with him.

"Oh Georgie, this is going to be great!" i said.

He smiled. I gave him a kiss on the forehead.
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How was that for a first chapter? :) i hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to update again today.


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