Chapter 26

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This was unbelievable. I had already been to 7 bars and i still hadn't found Jasmine yet! I had been searching for about a hour and a half! What bar could she be at? I had tried to call her over and over again but to no avail.

I was really getting worried. I felt all shaky and sweaty. This was terrible. I was becoming desperate.

As i was driving, i noticed a small building. At first, i thought it was just a small store. But then i noticed the neon lights. I knew, it was a bar.

I drived into the parking lot and parked. I got out the car and walked to the entrance. As i opened the door, i could only hope i would find her.

I entered and looked around. My eyes immediately caught a woman sitting at the bar. It had to be her. I practically ran to her.

"Jasmine?" i asked.

The woman turned her head towards me. It was her. It was Jasmine. But i knew, it wasn't the normal Jasmine. This Jasmine had a glazed look in the eye. She was sweaty. She was pale. I noticed several empty glasses in front of her. Oh no.

"Jasmine?" i asked again.

"That's my name! Don't wear it out!" she said.

I didn't like how she sounded. She had to be drunk.

"Jasmine, let's go," i said, taking her hand. She snatched it away.

"No! Don't touch me! Are you some type of rapist?!" she asked.

"No, i'm not! Please, just come with me!" i said.

"No, i want to drink," she said.

She picked up a empty glass and put it to her lips, forgetting it was empty. She slammed it back down.


The bartender began to make another drink for her.

"No, sir. Please don't. She's drunk," i said.

The man stopped making her drink. Jasmine looked at me angrily.

"No! I want another drink! Leave me the hell alone!" she yelled.

"You're drunk. Let's go," i said.

"No! I said no!" she yelled.

"Hey, before anyone leaves, i'm going to need the money for these drinks," said the bartender.

"How much is it?" i asked, taking out my wallet.

"30 dollars," he said.

I pulled out three 10's and handed them to the man.

"Thank you, sir," he said.

I looked back at where Jasmine was. Except, she wasn't. She wasn't at the bar anymore. Where did she go?!

I looked around the bar and she was nowhere to be found. I ran out the exit.

"Jasmine!" i called out.

I heard someone groan in agony. It had to be her.

"Jasmine!" i called out again.

"What?!" she said. She sounded far away.

"Where are you?" i asked.

"Go away!" she yelled.

I followed the sound of her groaning and stopped at a dark blue car. Her car. She was on the hood of her car, laying down. I went to her.

"Go away," she said weakly.

"Jasmine, it's Johnny. Just let me take care of you," i said.

She suddenly went limp. Oh god. Was she dead?

"Jasmine? Jasmine, please wake up! Please!" i said worriedly.

I checked for a pulse. She had one. But she was very hot. And shaky. That was it. I needed to get her to safety. I picked her up and took her back to my car. I put her in the passengers seat. I got in on the driver's side and drove off.

I was going to call a tow service to tow her car to my house. I would hate for it to get stolen. But at the moment, that didn't matter. What mattered was getting my love home.

As soon as i parked in my driveway, i got out and took Jasmine out. She hadn't moved at all the whole drive. She seemed to be getting worse. I took her inside the house and layed her down in her bed in her room.

First things first. I needed to get her cooled down. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a pink tank top. Over the tank top, she was wearing a black down jacket. I removed her jacket. Next, i removed her shoes and then her jeans.

Now that she was out of those hot clothes, i needed to get the temperature in the house cooled down. It was a little warm. I went to thermostat and turned on the air conditioning.

The last thing i needed to do was put a ice pack on her forehead. That would definitely cool her down. I went to the fridge and took a gel ice pack out from one of the drawers. I returned to her and placed it on her forehead. I felt her face again. She was cooler, but not as cooled down as i wanted her to be. Oh well, i would have to just wait.

Additionally, i poured a glass of water for her and sat it on the nightstand so when she woke up, she would have something to drink.

I sat down next to her and looked at her. She looked a little better. That made me feel better. I leaned over and kissed her cheek gently. I stood up and left the room. I was going to go downstairs and watch some tv as she recovered. I would come back to check on her in a little while.

Jasmine's pov


I woke up laying in a bed in a room that i recognized immediately. I was at Johnny's. How did he find me? And where was he?

I noticed a ice pack was on my head. Good, because i had a awful headache. Oh god, what had happened? I must have drank too much. I don't remember anything after my 3rd drink.

I noticed a glass of water on one of the nightstands beside the bed. I picked it up and drank some of it. I needed it. My throat was dry. And my mouth tasted like alcohol. I put the glass down. I was so sleepy. And i felt so weak. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. But before i could, the bedroom door opened and in walked Johnny.

"You're awake," he said with a smile.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black boxers. He sat down on the bed next to me.

"Yeah, i guess i am," i said quietly.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Okay. I just have a massive headache," i said.

"Oh, that's nothing i can't fix. I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried," he said.

I smiled at his kind words. But quickly frowned as soon as i remembered what Terrell had done earlier. He noticed the change and sighed.

"Look, i want to know what's going on, and i want to know now. I searched so long for you. What's going on?" he said.

I scratched my head.

"Oh, Johnny, what isn't going on?"
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Next update for this will be tomorrow, probably not until later on in the day. I will get started on it tonight so i'll have a headstart later. That's all. Good night!


Dangerous Desires (Johnny Depp fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt