Chapter 12

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I screamed as Georgie plunged to the ground. I stretched a hand over the railing and reached out for him. But, i missed. I tried to ignore his shrieking as he descended. I sank to my knees. I felt like i died when i heard him hit the pavement. People below were screaming and scrambling. I heard someone talking on the phone, probably to 911.

I felt my hair get grabbed from behind. I was dragged back inside the apartment.

"Get your cheating ass back in here," said Terrell.

"I did not cheat," i said.

"Shut up, you cheater!" he yelled.

I had nothing to lose. I fought back. I pushed his hands off me and stood up.

"I did not cheat...i did NOT cheat....I DID NOT FUCKING CHEAT!" i yelled very loudly. Terrell looked a little nervous. But only for a few seconds.

"Well even if you didn't, it's too late now," he said. He walked away.

I cried when i remembered what had just happened. My baby! Oh, my baby! I was almost too messed up to hear the sirens. I also almost didn't realize that Shelia was in the room, standing next to me. She wrapped a arm around me.

"Shelia, it's not safe right now! Terrell could still be he-"

"He's not. We saw him run off. We tried to stop him but he was too fast," replied Shelia.

We were both quiet for a moment. The only sounds were the ambulance and police sirens.

"Is Georgie okay?" i asked her.

"I'm not going to lie, it's bad. But shockingly, he's not dead," she said. I was very happy to hear that. But just because he was alive didn't mean he wasn't hurt.

"He's just a baby. Just a little baby!" i cried. As the tears fell down my face, i thought about earlier when Johnny had rubbed away the tears and made it all better. I wish he was here for me now. I needed him more than ever. But for some reason, a part of me was mad at him. It felt bitter and angry. It was happy he wasn't around. It wanted nothing to do with him.

"Can you call my mom for me and Alina?" i asked.

"Yes, i'll call them right away," she said.


I cried in a chair in the waiting room. Alina tried to comfort me.

"Oh Jasmine, why didn't you tell me he was this crazy? I knew he was crazy, but i didn't know he was crazy enough to try and kill his own son," she said.

"He was high though. It wasn't all his fault," i said.

"Are you kidding me right now? You sound crazy. Has he brainwashed you so much that now you can't see how bad he really is? The drugs didn't do anything but make him feel less bad about abusing you," she said.

Suddenly, i saw my mom rush into the waiting room. When she saw me, she ran to me and hugged me.

"Oh honey, are you okay?" she asked.

"How could i possibly be okay? I just saw my son fall from a balcony. I'm anything but okay," i replied.

My mom sat next to me.

"Shelia told me everything that she heard and witnessed. What i want to know is why didn't you tell me he was hurting you? I could've helped you," she said.

"No, you couldn't have. He's crazy. He would kill you and then me," i said.

"I knew there was something weird about that man when i met him for the first time. He seemed a little off. I wish i could've got rid of him when i had the chance," she said.

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