Chapter 20

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The whole day i just layed around and sulked. I didn't talk to my mom. I was so mad at her. She was just going to throw away all the great memories with my dad just so she could marry some old loser.

Additionally, i thought about Johnny. I felt so bitter toward him. All i can say is why? Why did he do this to me? I feel like he used me just for his pleasure. The more i thought about it, the angrier i got. The sadness i had felt yesterday had turned into something much worse.

Anger. Hatred.

My phone buzzed. It was a text. From Terrell. It read:

Please come back to me. I'm sorry. I love you. ❤❤

Nope, i wasn't responding. He had used this trick many times before. I wasn't going to fall for it. I texted him back:


I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. I left my room and entered the living room. I needed a way to get things off my mind. So i was going to watch some tv.

I turned it on and sat down in a chair with the remote. I flipped through the channels. Nothing was on. Great.

My mom came out of her room. She was all dressed up in a floor length red gown. Additionally, she was wearing matching earrings and a necklace, red lipstick and her hair was up in a bun.

"How do i look?" she asked

"Why are you so dressed up?" i asked.

"Me and Phil are going out to dinner and then to the casino," she replied.

"Of course you are," i said, definitely annoyed. "Where's Phil?"

"He's finishing getting dressed," she said.
She sat down on another chair in the room and looked at me.

"What?" i asked.

"It's just look terrible," she said.

"Excuse me?" i asked. That was rude.

"I just mean, you look like you've been hit by a bus. Your eyes have bags, your hair is all over the place and you're wearing all black. It's as if you're going through your goth phase again!" she exclaimed.

"Whatever," i said.

"And that too! I hate how you act like you don't have any feelings! Stop hiding your emotions all the time," she said.

"Can we please drop the topic?" i asked.

She shook her head.

"Okay. Fine," she said.

She looked away from me. After a few minutes, Phil came out. He was in a stupid black suit.

"You're looking sharp," said my mom.

"So are you, babe," he said.

She stood up and walked over to Phil. They kissed, causing me to look away. When i did, i noticed the pictures of my mom and dad had been removed. They were replaced with pictures of my mom and Phil.

I could deal with all this other crap. But seeing that pissed me off to the max. Tears of anger started to burn my eyes.

"Jasmine?" asked my mom.

"What?" i asked.

"Me and Phil are leaving. We'll be back around 11pm or 12am," she said.

She left Phil and tried to give me a kiss. But i moved away. She had decided who she loved more. I didn't want her to touch me. She stared at me for a second before returning to Phil. They walked over to the door and opened it.

"Jasmine, maybe you should try to get some rest," said Phil.

They left.

"Jasmine, maybe you should try to get some rest," i mimicked.

I stood up from the chair and walked over to the mantle. I stared at the new pictures. The tears of anger came back. I began to feel hot. I wanted these pictures gone. I wanted Phil gone.

I was so angry, my hands began to shake. I picked up the frame that held the picture. This one was of my mom and Phil kissing.

The tears began to fall from my eyes. My breathing sped up and i could feel the fire growing inside me heat up.

I had finally had it. I threw the frame down on the floor and stepped on it. The glass shattered. I bent over and digged through the shards. I cut my hands but i didn't care. When i got the picture out, i ripped it up into lots of pieces. That wasn't enough to make me feel better.

I took another frame. This one held a picture of them hugging. I smashed it against the mantle. It broke, causing glass to fly everywhere. I took the picture out and this time, i threw it in the lit fireplace. I watched it burn. My anger decreased but only a little.

I picked up a 3rd frame and broke it open. This picture was of them holding hands. I ripped it up and like the previous picture, i threw it in the fireplace.

I did this until all the pictures were gone and all the frames were broken. I wasn't satisfied yet.

I picked up a fire iron from the fireplace and marched into my mom and Phil's room.

"Ahhhh!!!" i screamed.

I swung the fire iron and broke a lamp. Next, i broke the mirror. I opened random drawers in a dresser. Inside were Phil's things clothes. I took them out and ripped them up.

I knocked over the dresser. I flipped the mattress off their bed.

"You aren't going to take my dad's place!!!" i yelled.

I threw the fire iron at the wall. I think i was done now.

"Fuck you room. Fuck you Phil," i said. I left the room and went to the bathroom to wrap up my cuts. After doing so, i sat back down. I reviewed the mess i had made near the mantle. My mom would kill me once she saw this. I didn't care though. I closed my eyes. Maybe now that i had released some of my anger, i would be able to sleep.

Johnny's pov


Work went later then i thought it would. I was still going to go to Jasmine's house. I needed to talk to her. I didn't care how late it was getting.

I drove to her house. It was in a cul-de-sac. I parked my car in front of her house. I got out and walked to the door. The lights were on. She had to be home. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer the door. I wouldn't leave until she answered.

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